Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX: Best Starters, Natures And Combinations Guide For Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX is the remastered port of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team and Blue Team. The remastered version was announced at the Pokemon Direct - despite the amount of Pokemon Sword and Shield information, this game was in no way overshadowed.

Pokefans have been waiting for a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game for the Switch, for a long time, and it seems the announcement at Pokemon Direct answered their prayers.

The game puts you in the shoes of a Pokemon, and along with your partner, you will venture off into the unknown saving other Pokemon along the way.

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The most important decision you can make arrives at the beginning of the game, like all Pokemon games, it's picking your Pokemon!

You'll pick a Pokemon combination that you'll play with throughout the game so you need to pick wisely.

Here's our guide to choosing the best starter combination in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX.


There are 12 Pokemon available to play as during Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX, and they all come from the first three generations of the main series. The following 12 Pokemon are in Mystery Dungeon DX:


Starter Moves

Every Pokemon in Mystery Dungeon DX that you can choose from has four moves right off the rip! Check them all out below!


  • Vine Whip: 17/17
  • Sludge: 17/17
  • Tackle: 25/25
  • Seed Bomb: 16/16


  • Scratch: 25/25
  • Flame Burst: 12/12
  • Bite: 18/18
  • Dragon Rage: 13/13


  • Brick Break: 18/18
  • Water Gun: 16/16
  • Tackle: 25/25
  • Bite: 18/18


  • Fake Out: 13/13
  • Electro Ball: 17/17
  • Grass Knot: 20/20
  • Iron Tail: 16/16


  • Scratch: 25/25
  • Fake Out: 13/13
  • Bite: 18/18
  • Foul Play: 17/17


  • Scratch: 25/25
  • Water Gun: 16/16
  • Confusion: 18/18
  • Zen Headbutt: 15/15


  • Bullet Punch: 16/16
  • Brick Break: 18/18
  • Karate Chop: 20/20
  • Strength: 15/15


  • Headbutt: 15/15
  • Bone Club: 17/17
  • Brutal Swing: 17/17
  • Brick Break: 18/18


  • Bite: 18/18
  • Tackle: 25/25
  • Swift: 13/13
  • Quick Attack: 15/15


  • Ancient Power: 15/15
  • Razor Leaf: 15/15
  • Tackle: 25/25
  • Grass Knot: 20/20


  • Quick Attack: 15/15
  • Ember: 15/15
  • Double Kick: 20/20
  • Facade: 17/17


  • Metal Claw: 25/25
  • Water Gun: 16/16
  • Ice Fang: 15/15
  • Scratch: 25/25


  • Quick Attack: 15/15
  • Absorb: 18/18
  • Dragon Breath: 12/12
  • Iron Tail: 16/16


  • Quick Attack: 15/15
  • Ember: 15/15
  • Low Kick: 13/13
  • Peck: 25/25


  • Mud Bomb: 13/13
  • Water Gun: 16/16
  • Tackle: 25/25
  • Mud Slap: 13/13


  • Fake Out: 13/13
  • Echoed Voice: 15/15
  • Charge Beam: 13/13
  • Grass Knot: 20/20


Opposed to the original Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, this one allows you to not only pick your partner Pokemon but the Pokemon you will play as well.

In the earlier versions of the game, the Pokemon the game chooses for you.

We'll go over some general tips to help you decide what Pokemon pairing you should use. 

  • You cannot pick the same typing, the game won't allow you to do this so you cannot have a Charmander and a Torchick for example.
  • Be aware of type match-ups: Whatever Pokemon you choose to play as consider using a Pokemon that covers the Pokemons weakness or choose one that is weak to the type you are playing as. For example, if you choose to play as Squirtle, consider pairing it up with one of the grass types to cover that weakness. 
  • Flying types are one of the more popular typings throughout the dungeons, so be sure not to use the combination of fighting and grass-type Pokemon!


How To Get A Certain Nature

One of the more notable things about the Mystery Dungeon games is the use of a personality test at the beginning of the game.

This allows the game to determine the Pokemon best suited for you along with the personality it will have with the help of some rather bizarre questions.

Although your Pokemon's personality does not matter at all, here are all the questions and the trait each answer will give you according to Pokemon Fandom!

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