Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 will now launch in June!
The next season is still surrounded by speculation, but data miners are producing new leaks almost daily.
As we countdown to the release date, we'll be covering the latest news, updates, leaks and rumours from Chapter 2 Season 3.
Be sure to watch our wide variety of Fortnite content here!
More Teasers - 16th June

Aquaman vs Black Manta - 16th June
New theory points to a potential Aquaman vs Black Manta storyline in Season 3!

New Location? - 16th June
A new location has possibly been teased by the official Fortnite Twitter.

Aquaman Skin Confirmed For Season 3 - 16th June
It's all but officially confirmed that Aquaman will be the subject of this season's epic secret skin.
Jason Momoa, the actor who played Aquaman, has posted the teaser of the trident on his Instagram story.

Tik Tok Teaser - 16th June
A teaser has been uploaded to Tik Tok with the shadow of a shark swimming in water.
Rotated version of the tiktok teaser for those wanting to use it for videos :)
— FireMonkey • Fortnite Intel 🎄 (@iFireMonkey)
June 15, 2020
Fortnite Season 3 Teasers - 15th June
Fortnite has tweeted out a new teaser image from the official Twitter account.
It appears a trident is on display in these teasers.

Agent Jonesy Skin Encrypted - 15th June
An agent Jonesy skin was encrypted during today's live event.
New Storm - 15th June
The new storm in Fortnite!
— FortTory - Fortnite Leaks & News (@FortTory)
June 15, 2020
The Device Event - 15th June
Check out some of the pictures featured in this event here - credit to @iFireMonkey.
The Device Event Date And Time - 15th June
The official Twitter account for Fortnite has tweeted out "The Storm rages on. Will Midas’ Machine break the Storm? The Device is set to be activated on June 15 at 2PM ET. Space is limited! Show up 30 minutes early to help secure your spot and be there live."
Be sure you load into your game tonight at 6.30pm BST for the event to kick-off at 7pm BST!
Creative mode, Party Royale and Battle lab are currently disabled.
Plenty of hotfixes were also deployed this morning. The Cyclos Cape and the Windshear Cloak has also been disabled.

Under-Water Hatches Open - 14th June
The hatches underneath the water have opened! We're expected the map to be flooded to kick off the new season and the water will gradually recede as the season progresses.
— FortTory - Fortnite Leaks & News (@FortTory)
June 13, 2020
Donald Mustard Teases Us Again - 14th June
The Worldwide Creative Director at Epic Games Donald Mustard has been known to tease Fortnite fans from time to time.
Now, it appears he is doing the same ahead of the event tomorrow.
Check out the below tweet from him!
Cyclo Skin Item Shop Date Confirmed - 13th June
In a tweet made by Fortnite data miner FNBQHQ, it appears the Cyclo skin is going to be in the item shop the day of the event.
This skin was significant meaning, as players have suspected it is going to be a massive part of the season-ending event!
Is Fortnite In Decline? - 10th June
It feels as though we're constantly hearing how Fortnite is dying off, and we usually hear it around the time a season begins dying out.
SypherPK has looked into this with the video below:
Learn Some New Tricks - 8th June
Looking to jump into Chapter 2 Season 3 but feeling a little rusty? We've put together some handy hints for the coming season. Check them out here.
The Visitor To Return? - 7th June
The Visitor is infamously the one who sent us to this new map for Chapter 2 and has remained silent since.
However, a fan theory posted by Reddit user u/Racoco802 notes that they may be returning for the event.
Patch V13.20 Already Being Worked On - 6th June
In a tweet posted by Fortnite data miner @FireMonkey; it appears Epic Is already testing the second patch of the next season.
With the numerous delays ahead of the new season, perhaps Epic is gearing up to make this one of the shortest seasons yet!

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 DELAYED AGAIN - 4th June
In a statement from Epic Games, they have announced that the new season and new event has been delayed:
Hey Fortnite community,
Recent events are a heavy reminder of ongoing injustices in society, from the denial of basic human rights to the impact of racism both overt and subtle against people of color. We're acutely aware of the pain our friends, families, team members, players, and communities are experiencing.
We believe in equality and justice, diversity and inclusion, and that these fundamentals are above politics.
The team is eager to move Fortnite forward, but we need to balance the Season 3 launch with time for the team to focus on themselves, their families, and their communities.
The live event The Device will be delayed to Monday, June 15, and the Season 3 launch delayed to Wednesday, June 17. We know this delay comes on the heels of another one, and we appreciate your patience and understanding during these difficult times.

Fortnite to add Sharks you can ride? (New Aquatic Vehicle) - 2nd June
Recent leaks regarding Fortnite: Chapter 2 - Season 3 have already hinted towards the Map being completely flooded to commence the New Season, and as the season progresses, the water will allegedly slowly become more scarce.
But, more New Leaks have emerged recently to suggest that Epic Games may be adding sharks into the New Season of the Battle Royale. To be more specific, these will be sharks that you can ride.
In other words, a New Aquatic vehicle to ride around the map on, rather than a boat. Of course, we'd advise you to take the news of this leak with a pinch of salt, as it's yet to be Confirmed.
With the New Season arriving next week, we don't have to wait too long to see if the rumours come to fruition.
Update 12.60 - 18th May
Arriving May 21st, here's what's coming in the 12.60 update.

Fortnite Launcher Struggling - 16th May
The Fortnite Launcher for some players is struggling to load up. As well this, the Epic Games store is down.
These issues come due to GTA 5 being the new free game in the Epic Games store.
The issue started Thursday evening and persisted through Friday, although things seem to be getting better, some players are still reporting issues.

Next-Gen - 15th May 19:00 BST
Not only has Fortnite been confirmed for next-gen, but it'll be ready from launch, and to top it all off, all of your saved progress will transfer over!

Riot Control Baton - 14th May 20:00 BST
It seems Epic Games have been receiving more complaints by disgruntled players regarding items and whether they break the 'pay to win' rule.
This week's hot topic is the Riot Control Baton.
The baton was the first one-handed pickaxe in the game, and thanks to a bug, players who had it equipped, would have completely silent footsteps.
Until it can be fixed, Epic has announced that players who have the Riot Control Baton equipped, will show as holding a default pickaxe in all game modes.

SypherPK Reveals Fortnite Season 3 Leaks - 13th May 20:00 BST
Dragacorn Glider Disabled - 12th May 20:00 BST
Epic Games has disabled the controversial Dragacorn Glider. Here's everything you need to know!

Kirby Is In Fortnites New Trailer - 11th May 20:00 BST
Epic recently dropped the new mode 'Party Royale' and the trailer seemed to feature a blurry Kirby.
You can see the little pink blob in the first few seconds of the trailer below.
How To Dominate Fortnite Like MrSavage - 10th May 20:00 BST
Party Royale Trailer - 7th May 20:00 BST
Fortnite will be celebrating 350m players with massive virtual party - 6th May 20:00 BST
Fortnite is set to celebrate 350 million registered players, as well as a whopping 3.2 billion hours of playtime during April. the launch of a new party mode with a live event featuring Deadmau5 and Steve Aoki will be dropping on 8th May at 9pm ET.

Epic Has Added PS5 And Xbox Series X Support To Unreal Engine - 5th May 18:00 BST
Due to the latest version of Unreal Engine, version 4.25, Epic Games announced, the UE game development platform can now support Microsoft’s Xbox Series X and Sony’s PlayStation 5.

Star Wars Skins And Lightsabres Make A Return - 4th May
Due to it being Star Wars day, May the 4th, Fortnite has brought back some items for a limited time.
Jump back in the game and take advantage quickly though, as it will only last until tomorrow.

New Yellow Jacket Starter Pack Leaked - 3rd May
The starter pack has been leaked from the 12.50 patch, including a new character skin, pickaxe, and some extra V-Bucks.

Is Fortnite getting an Overwatch inspired payload mode soon? - 2nd May
Is Fortnite about to borrow from Blizzard's shooter? Here's everything we know so far.

Two New LTMS - 1st May 17:00 BST
We have info on two new LTMS thanks to prolific Fortnite leaker @ShiinaBR
- Party Royale: Welcome to the Party! Leave your weapons and mats behind and hang out with friends, play games, perfect your skydive and more. The party’s just getting started!
- Operation Payload: Escort or Stop the payload! Switch roles and choose Tech each round

Travis Scott Astronomical Event Viewed By Millions - 30th April BST
Epic says the number for the Travis Scott concert event reached up to 27.7 million unique viewers, with 45.8 million views, suggesting plenty of people saw multiple shows.

Old Map Coming Back? - 29th April BST
Due to an appearance from the crystal butterfly during the Travis Scott concert, fans are speculating that not only is it a nod to the good old days, but have also started arguing that we'll be returning to the old map.
Epic is yet to confirm or deny the fan theories, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Champion Series Invitational With $2 Million Prize Pool - 28th April BST
Epic Games has announced a new Fortnite Champion Series Invitational, not long after the Season 2 FNCS finals. This tournament will be offering the best players an insane prize pool of $2 million.
You can check out everything we know here.

Travis Scott Astronomical Last Chance - 26th April BST
If you've missed the latest event at Sweaty Sands, you'll need to stay up until 11pm BST to check out the final concert by Cactus Jack himself.
The concert can be accessed on Fortnite on PS4, Xbox One, PC, iOS, Android and Nintendo Switch.

Travis Scott concert event 'Astronomical' was watched by millions - 25th April BST
The concert, which featured a massive Travis Scott towering over the Fortnite map performing his songs whilst teleporting, was viewed by over 12 million players!
The number will most likely double, as the concert is set to air over the weekend too.

Epic's Statement Regarding Google Play - 24th April BST
Before now, Epic Games had taken advantage of a feature in Google’s Android operating system which allows users to install apps, not using the official app store, to try and build its own mobile software marketplace.
They were hoping that it could use that independence to bypass requirements to pay Google a 30% cut of its earnings, and to expand further, offering independent games for sale to users who had already installed Fortnite.
But, the company learned, the technical ability to install software from unauthorised sources is not the same as the ability to attain an easy or pleasant user experience, and, while Fortnite remains one of the most popular mobile games, the constraints imposed by Google have limited take-up of the Android version.
“We hope that Google will revise its policies and business dealings in the near future, so that all developers are free to reach and engage in commerce with customers on Android and in the Play Store through open services, including payment services, that can compete on a level playing field”.

New Lava Legends Pack - 23rd April BST
The Lava Legends Pack is available for purchase to anyone who downloads the Google Play version of Fortnite.

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 Coming To Android - 22nd April BST
Fortnite is now available to all Android devices on the Google Play store, meaning Chapter 2 Season 3 will be the first FULL season to debut on these devices.
Here's how to download.

Leaked Travis Scott Emotes - 21st April BST
Thanks to Twitter user Hypex, we now have what could potentially be the Travis Scott emotes!
Leaked Travis Scott & Other Cosmetics ingame! (GO DROP A LIKE <3 🔥)
— HYPEX - Fortnite Leaks & News (@HYPEX)
April 21, 2020
Travis Scott Astronomical Event Announcement - 20th April BST
Epic Games has finally announced the highly anticipated collaboration with popular rapper and producer, Travis Scott, which will see him become the latest addition to their Icon skin series.
There will also be a bunch of musical events featured on the island in Fortnite, and if that's not enough, he will be debuting a brand-new track.
You can find out all of the information here!

Construction - 19th April BST
The construction has begun for the Travis Scott concert.

Travis Scott in-game concert - 18th April BST
Epic Games could be planning another Fortnite in-game concert, at least based on some posters that have appeared on the battle royale island, as well as a new batch of leaks. The news follows the recent discovery of an in-game event codenamed ‘Jerky,’ which was noted as an addition to the same playlist used for the previous Marshmello in-game concert.

Store Update: Marvel content galore as Deadpool gains X-Force friends - 17th April BST
You can check out Fortnite's latest round of items here.

Skin Update - 16th April BST
The latest 12.40 update has arrived in Fortnite and brings plenty of cosmetics to go with the recent Deadpool skins, including X-Force skins.
A new weapon has also been added in the form of Dual Suppressed Pistols.

In a surprise announcement, Epic has made the decision to extend Season 2.
"Hey all,
We’re extending Chapter 2 - Season 2 of Fortnite beyond the original April 30 date. Our plan is to launch Chapter 2 - Season 3 on June 4.
Before then, there’s lots of content coming in the current Season. We have multiple game updates on the way that will deliver fresh gameplay, new Challenges, bonus XP, and a couple more surprises up our sleeve!"

Fortnite Fans Counter Negativity With Easter Weekend Thank Yous - 13th April BST
Fortnite players took to Twitter over the weekend to thank Epic Games, after a wave of negativity was targeted at the game.

#RIPFortnite Is Trending On Twitter - 12th April BST
The hashtag #RipFortnite is trending on Twitter. With more than 30k tweets at the time of writing, as players protest against the current state of Epic's free-to-play battle royale.

Tfue Asks Epic Games To Remove "Dumbest" Fortnite Weapon Ever - 11th April BST
“The Grappler is so cringy bro, it’s literally the cringest gun in the entire existence – I don’t give a f**k what anybody says,” Tfue said. “That sh*t should not be in competitive or Arena, absolutely just the dumbest f**king thing of all time.”

Unlock Unmasked Deadpool Skin Variant - 10th April BST
FORTNITE fans can complete more Deadpool challenges to unlock a special variant of the recently released skin.

Sword in a stone map locations REVEALED for Week 8 Skye's Adventure challenge - 9th April BST
FORTNITE fans can now complete the Skye's Adventure Week 8 challenges for a chance to unlock the Ghost or Shadow skin variant.
Here's where to go to complete the search Skye's sword in a stone found in high places challenge.

Leak Reveals A New LTM That Plays Episodes Of Punk'd For An Hour - 8th April BST
A leaked Fortnite LTM will let you do some relaxed in-game socializing while you're doing your real-life social distancing.
The 'Now Playing' limited-time mode was uncovered by Fortnite dataminer spedicey1, who shared their findings via Twitter

Leaked Skin Could Be Teasing A Major Season 2 Storyline -7th April BST
Fortnite’s current season could be bound for an interesting shakeup, as the new skin leak may be hinting at upcoming storylines - possibly a third faction to compete with Ghost and Shadow.
Fortnite’s data miner ‘FortTory’ uncovered a new skin in the game’s files referred to as ‘Spy.’
The character appears as a type of operative wearing an earpiece and sporting plenty of weapon holsters.
The character has a silver emblem on a black patch with gold trimming, which is causing mass-speculation by fans.

Secret FREE Rewards In The New Deadpool Event - 6th April BST
New Leaks Hint At Doomsday Event - 5th April BST
Dataminer Forttory discovered three new Doomsday related items that were added recently. These pieces have not yet appeared in the game files, but it looks like Epic is coming up with a huge season-ending event.
Be sure to bookmark this page for more info on the possible Doomsday event.

Deadpool Week 7 Issues - 4th April BST
Some players are reporting the Deadpool Week 7 challenges aren't showing up, whilst quite frustration, Epic has acknowledged it, and have said they're working hard to fix it.

Item Shop Gets A Very Deadpool Makeover -3rd April BST
Deadpool isn't afraid to hipcheck his way into the cosmetics store. Thankfully, he's got some pretty decent items to buy with your precious V-bucks, even if you're not a Marvel diehard.
Scootin' Traversal Emote - 500 V-Bucks

Meaty Mallets - 800 V-Bucks

Dragacorn - 1,500 V-Bucks

Chimichanga Emote - 300 V-Bucks

Deadpool Finally Arriving In Fortnite - 2nd April BST
According to Deadpool’s official Twitter account, he’s finally about to arrive.
Deadpool will make his way to Fortnite sometime on Friday, April 3. And he’s bringing a big boat, music, and tacos. But it’s not exactly clear what exactly any of that means for the game itself.

New Items In The Item Shop - 1st April BST
Check out Peekaboo's and Nite Nite's new Styles in the Item Shop now!

Fortnite's new Crash Pad, added in today's big patch - 31st March 23:00 BST
The crash pad is essentially a large trampoline with which you can easily bounce on, launch yourself into the sky, and get where you need to go.
Epic Games confirm Fortnite servers shutting down for update 12.30 - 30th March 23:00 GMT
The new update on March 31st is being released and that means Epic Games will be shutting down Fortnite servers again on all platforms for scheduled downtime.
Hopefully, this will keep a steady rate of players signing back in, stopping the dreaded 'server overload' due to everyone being home.
New Fortnite Glitches That Almost Guarantee A Win - 29th March 20:00 GMT
Two new glitches have popped up in Fortnite.
One makes players invisible, and the other has players breaking the sky limit, giving them the option to avoid damage from the circle altogether.
Deadpool - 28th March 20:00 GMT
Going into Deadpools hideout via HQ will show you two things. Firstly, he's hoarding toilet roll, and secondly, a calendar marked April 3rd, marking the date the Deadpool week 7 challenges should go live.
Once you complete all seven weeks of Deadpool challenges you will be rewarded with the Deadpool skin, though it’s entirely possible there’s some final step or something else players will need to do in order to get it or perhaps unlock styles for it.
Ninja explains why Fortnite is boring right now - 27th March 20:00 GMT
Ninja shared his feelings: “I’m bored because there’s nothing new. They added the agency, everything was so fun… now, everyone knows where they wanna land. 75% of the lobby is dead in the first four minutes and there’s nothing new.”
Epic Games confirm Fortnite servers shutting down for update - 23rd March 20:00 GMT
Fortnite downtime has been confirmed this week by Epic Games, who will be shutting down game servers to make way for a new update.
It will be on March 24th on all major platforms and last up to 3 hours.
Fortnite Battle Bus Customisation Leaked - 22nd March 22:00 GMT
Fortnite's Battle Bus could be getting a crazy makeover! A new datamine indicates a possibility that Battle Bus customisation could come to the popular battle royale video game in a big way.
The same way a player might choose their own skins and the like, there are some tools deep in the game's files to allow folks to fiddle with what the Battle Bus looks like too.
Fortnite Is Recruiting Players To Join Two Teams - 21st March 23:00 GMT
Fortnite is playing on its spy-themed Chapter 2 Season 2 once again by recruiting players to join one of two teams.
Team Shadow and Team Ghost are the two different options players can choose from, both of which are groups players have already seen in-game if they own the battle pass and have been working their way through it.
Asked to choose whether they want a Team Ghost or Team Shadow skin as players unlock different cosmetics from the battle pass, and now, it looks like players are being assigned to one of the two factions if they interact with one of the corresponding Tweets from Fortnite.
A new Fortnite Event with YouTuber Lachlan - 20th March 23:00 GMT
A new Fortnite Event with YouTuber Lachlan has just been announced and there is a prize pool of $20,000 and free Slurp Legends Pack.
The new Fashion Show Event is taking place from 23rd to 27th March, with the support of Epic Games.
To enter, you need to form the best looking trio in Fortnite.Together with your team either:
- Option 1 -- create a short (less than 30 second) video; or
- Option 2 -- take a screen shot.
- One or more team members must post your video or image to Twitter or YouTube.
- With your post you MUST use the #LachysFS hashtag, tag each of your team members and tag @LachlanYT if posting on Twitter.
- Make sure your post is visible to the public during the Trials Period.
- Each team member must fill out this form.
- If you are selected to qualify, you do not need to use the same outfit as your trials entry.
Epic Quietly Removes Slurp Truck Spawn Locations From Fortnite - 19th March 21:15 GMT
One of the unannounced changes in the Fortnite v12.20 update was the removal of several Slurp Truck spawns from the game.
Helicopters Come To Fortnite - 18th March 20:00 GMT
Helipads have been mysteriously cropping up all over the map since the start of the current season, so the new vehicle announcement doesn't come as too much of a surprise.
In keeping with this season's spy theme, Fortnite has added finally included choppers!
Update 12.20 Expected Fixes - 16th March 23:30 GMT
12.20 is coming to PS4, Xbox One, PC, iOS, Android and Nintendo Switch.
The new Fortnite update has been given a March 17 release date by Epic Games. Downtime will begin at 8am GMT.
Here are some of the fixes we're expecting:
You can expect the full patch notes here tomorrow, so be sure to bookmark the page.
Warzone's First Week Obliterates Fortnite's First Week - 15th March 12:00 GMT
Even though it hasn't been a full week yet, the numbers are staggering.
“Use Legacy Look Controls” setting isn’t going anywhere just yet - 14th March 20:00 GMT
When Epic Games revealed (out of nowhere) that controller Fortnite players using Legacy settings had just over a week before it would be removed, players were left with mixed feelings.
Legacy players were upset to have this bombshell dropped on them, especially upon finding out that Duos FNCS was around the corner.
However, mouse and keyboard users were happy as this would be the end of the infamous L2 spam.
Confusingly, after a 7 day in-game countdown, the developers have decided to change their mind
Fortnite Gets A Boost In Players Due To Schools Shutting Down - 13th March 23:00 GMT
Due to the lockdown in Italy, Fortnite is seeing a surge of players.
Telecom Italia Chief Executive Officer Luigi Gubitosi said "We reported an increase of more than 70% of internet traffic over our landline network, with a big contribution from online gaming such as Fortnite".
Fortnite C2S2 Week 4 Challenge Leak - 18:00 GMT
This coming week’s challenges have been leaked and they're the second half of the TNTina challenges which kicked off last Thursday.
When players finish a total of 18 challenges from both last week and this, they’ll unlock a special mission that allows them to pick either Ghost or Shadow skin style for TNTina, just like with Brutus for the first two weeks.
Fortnite Champion Series - 11th March 14:25 GMT
Fortnite has announced the Fortnite Champion Series.

Chapter 2 Season 3 Leaks - 8th March 12:00 GMT
It's not long until Season 3 is here, and with it, a slew of new content. Whilst waiting, why not check out all of the leaks we currently know about here.
Contract Giller Skin - 6th March 12:15 GMT
The Contract Giller outfit will be part of an upcoming Pack that includes the Skin, his Back Bling & Challenges that will give you up to 1,000 V-Bucks!

Week 3 Challenges - 5th March 16:50 GMT
The Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Week 3 challenges are live!

New Farmer Steel Outfit And Power Pitch Pickaxe In The Item Shop - 4th March 17:00 GMT
Check out the new Farmer Steel Outfit along with the Power Pitch Pickaxe in the Item Shop now!

Two New Weapons Leaked - 3rd March 16:30
A new Slug Shotgun and Scoped AR has been added to Fortnite in the 12.10 update!
Fortnite Adds Addiction To Health Warnings In China - 22:00 GMT
Fortnite has added an addiction warning to its game in China.
Strings were uncovered that suggested players would start receiving a warning about their playtime if they had been playing for longer than three hours.
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 Everything We Know - 2nd March 21:00 GMT
What's the latest news with Season 3?
Here's everything we know about Chapter 2 Season 3 in Fortnite.