Warzone Season 4 is live on all platforms around the world after an impressive Season 3 and a new update is coming.
Update 1.23 will bring plenty of new content to Warzone and Modern Warfare.
With the recent Bunker 11 Easter Egg causing a stir in Verdansk, players are intrigued to find out what the story holds next for Captain Price and the crew.
Here's what you need to know about Season 4 of Modern Warfare and Warzone.
Looking for something in particular? Click the links below to read more:
Latest News
Update 1.23 Patch Notes - 30th June
Patch Notes - 29th June
The patch notes for the mid-season update are out!
Check them out below courtesy of Infinity Ward.
- 200 Player Warzone!
- Verdansk will now be able to hold up to 200 players. Jump into Battle Royale Quads with 200 players!
Supply Run Contracts!
- Upon activation, you and your squad (if applicable) will be directed to a nearby Buy Station. Reach it within the time limit to get a discount on Buy Station purchases.
Spotter Scope!
- Think of this as a high-powered scope without the glint; this re-usable scope allows you to scan the environment around you and mark enemies without being detected. Perfect for scouting ahead, the Spotter Scope is a great tool for Operators who want to plan their next move while keeping a low profile.
Modern Warfare
- Ground War
- Blueprint Gunfight
- Team Defender
- Cheshire Park 24/7
- Shoot the Ship 24/7
- Gunfight Tournaments
- Realism Mosh Pit is now in the Quick Play Filter
- Modified Special Operations: Strongbox Regular, Strongbox Veteran
- New Gulag weapons! Semi-auto rifles, snipers, along with one “just fists and a throwing knife” loadout!
- BR Quads 200
- BR Trios
- BR Duos
- BR Solos
- Plunder: Blood Money
- Fix for an issue where players could modify weapons with attachments from other weapons while using a mouse
- Fixed the wording in the Daily Challenge “Deploy the Manual Turret Killstreak 5 Times” to say “Shield Turret”
- Multiplayer and Warzone win/losses now track as intended per mode
- Improved stability for PC players
- Fix for Kreuger’s eyes coming out of his character model while performing the Brassed Off execution
- Fix for some Completionist camos not applying to the Witching Hour (AX-50 variant)
- Fixed an exploit on Krovnik Farmland while playing Reinfected Ground War
- Fixed a bug where the MIL-SIM CTSFO viewmodel gloves didn’t match the in-game world model
- Fix for a section of Hardhat that had invisible collision
- Fix for a bug where Demolition matches would not end as intended in overtime
- Added the Kali Sticks to modes like All or Nothing, Gun Game, Infected, and Gunfight
- Longshots now display the distance in the point feed
- Fixed a bug where the Juggernaut HUD elements would remain on the screen if the player was crushed by a crate
- Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck in place when throwing a grenade and trying to use a Shield Turret at the same time
- If a player throws a Molotov at a severely damaged Deployable Cover, the Deployable Cover will break and the Molotov fire will disappear, but damage for the fire remains present for a duration of ~20 seconds. This has been fixed
- Recon Drones can now be destroyed with Throwing Knives
- Hipfire reticles are now visible in Spectate and in the Killcam. This will make it easier to tell if a player is using Stopping Power rounds or Slug rounds
- Fix for an exploit in Boneyard where players could climb into the destroyed portion of a plane
- Gas Mask now cracks when you’re taking damage near or in the circle
- ‘Team Wiped’ message now appears in the Killfeed for your whole squad to see
- Fix for an issue where players could spawn under the map after winning their Gulag match
- Fixed a bug where players using Charly’s Tactical Human skin or Mara’s Valkryie skin would notice their character models missing from the exfil epilogue in the helicopter
- The audio for the Supply Choppers is too loud, preventing players from hearing most other sounds and communicating with their squad. This has been adjusted
- During the Supply Chopper event the supply choppers may spawn from under the map, killing players positioned on top of these locations as they raised through the map. This has been fixed
- Fix for the final circle being too close over areas that players cannot access such as the middle of Stadium
- The After Action Report now shows Cash Earned and Placement
- Fix for a rare bug where a player spawned out of bounds after dying out of bounds
- Fix for a minor issue where the radio operator dialog and subtitles for called in Killstreaks could incorrectly play the wrong faction
- Now allow up to three Precision Airstrikes to be called in at once but within a distance restriction
- The M4 will perform an AR magazine reload when attempting to reload the underbarrel launcher while you have the 50 Round Mag attachment equipped. This has been fixed
- Stopping Power is now applied to headshots. Only certain weapons can go from a 2-shot to a 1-shot headshot, like the FAL and Oden. This fixes a few cases where headshots could sometimes do less damage than body shots when using Stopping Power
Start Ammo and Max Ammo Adjustments:
- Increased Max Ammo: M4 .458 SOCOM Rounds
- Increased Max Ammo and Start Ammo: CR-56 AMAX M67 Rounds
- SKS 10 Round Mags
- Striker 45 Hollowpoint Rounds
- SCAR Default Mags
- Oden Default Mags
- Increased Start Ammo: SCAR 25 Round Mags
- Oden 25 Round Mags
- AX-50: Increased damage range
- HDR: Guaranteed one-hit to lower torso at any range
- Kar98k:
- Increased ADS speed
- Small decrease to hip spread
- Increased damage range
- MK2 Carbine:
- Faster movement speed
- Increased damage range
- Dragonuv: Increased ADS speed
- 2 hit kill min
- Gun recoil returns to the centre more
- Faster rate of fire
- FAL:
- Added a close-range damage shelf with one-hit headshot potential
- AK-47:
- Increased ADS speed
- CR-56 AMAX:
- Decreased damage range
- MP5:
- Decreased damage range
- Decreased 10MM damage range
- Reduced long-range damage to 10MM ammo
- Slight recoil increase to 10MM ammo
- Grau 5.56
- Damage range reduction
- Slight increase to high frequency recoil
- Reduced recoil compensation and decreased range on Tempus 26.4” Archangel and FSS 20.8” Nexus barrels
- Shotgun Slugs:
- Increased projectile velocity
- Reduced ads spread
- Added dynamic hip spread
- Increased damage ranges
- Increased lower torso damage
- No stock attachment:
- Increased weapon recoil
- Decreased ADS aiming steadiness
- Improved the effectiveness of the Decoy Grenade against most types of enemy soldiers
- Operation Harbinger - Fixed issue where some of the white trucks would appear without any enemies inside of them
- At the Weapons Store, the weapons with purchased Gunsmith attachments are now displayed clearly
- The Buy Phase timer now pulses red when about to run out to help remind players of the upcoming wave
- Fixed issue where the text chat was overlapping some Buy Phase store elements
- Fixed issue where players could purchase weapons from the store as they are being downed
- Fixed issue where if players voted to ‘Retry’ after failing beyond wave 55 they would start each Buy Phase with reduced time
- Fixed a rare issue where players could use Munitions / Killstreaks in while downed
Once again all patch notes are courtesy of Infinity Ward!
Mid-Season Update - 29th June
Activision has revealed the long-awaited mid-season update.

The update includes the following:
- 200 players
- 22-36 GB for Modern Warfare owners
- New Rytec Sniper Rifle
- Chesire Park Map
- Team Defender Multiplayer Mode
- Juggernaut Royale Mode
- Supply Run Contracts
- Spotter Scope
This update will go live at 7am BST on the 30th June.

Season 4 Launch Trailer - 11th June
When Will Season 4 of Modern Warfare Start?
The new season began on the 10th June at 11pm PDT/11th June at 7am BST.
The new mid-season update is set to arrive on the 29th June at 11pm PDT/30th June at 7am BST.
Season 4 of Modern Warfare was due to start on the 2nd June 2020 - this is when the Battle Pass expires.
Patch Notes
The patch notes for Season 4 are now live and can be found below:
- Barakett Promenade has been added to Ground War!
- Trench Mosh Pit (2v2)!
- Scrapyard 24/7!
- Blueprint Gunfight!
- Quads
- Trios
- Duos
- Solos
- Blood Money
- Warzone Rumble!
Warzone Rumble is a brand-new mode in Warzone. Two teams of 50 players parachute and battle it out in various areas around Verdansk. This mode is high action with custom load-outs, vehicles, and quick respawns.
Modified Special Operations:
Just Reward - VeteranJust Reward - Regular
General Fixes
- Fix for some players not receiving their Season 3 emblem
- Fixes to help reduce players encountering Error Code 13-71. If you still experience this after today’s update, please reach out to Activision Customer Support
- Fix for a bug where the Ghost Perk was not hiding players from the Heartbeat Sensor when viewing the Killcam
- Fixed an issue where some players were unable to activate a Nuke after getting the appropriate number of kills
- Fix for a bug where the 4th Operator Mission for Talon, “Complete 2 Warzone Plunder Matches” was not tracking as intended
- Fix for an issue where some players could find long wait times when attempting to load into Ground War matches
- Fix for a bug where neutral Hardpoints were appearing yellow instead of grey
- Various exploit fixes across multiple maps
- Fix for the Officer Challenge, “Get 20 kill while crouched” not tracking properly for some players
- Fixed a bug where the white health regen was triggering on downing other players even if Quick Fix wasn’t equipped
- Fix for an exploit where players could sometimes call in duplicate UAVs
- Added new weapon perks to the Specialist Bonus (the bonus earned after getting 8 kills while the specialist is active): Frangible-Disabling, Frangible-Wounding, Mo'Money, Recon, Heavy Hitter, FMJ, Presence of Mind
- Fixed a bug where players were unable to perform executions when on some elevated surfaces
- Fixes to help prevent an issue where players were able to move before the match countdown timer completed
- Fixes to help prevent against black graphical corruption issues some players were seeing
- Fix for the “For the Cause” grip tape not appearing properly on the base M4
- Improved stability fixes for PC
- Fixes to help prevent issues with voice chat
- Lowered ammo count for reload warning on belt-fed LMG
- Fixed bug with HDR and Sleight of Hand where reloading would not give ammo to the player
- Loot Update: New weapons and updated Blueprints! Be on the lookout for the Fennec, CR-56 Amax, Renetti, and more!
- Fixed a bug where the Recon Contract could spawn inside an Ammo Supply cache, making it unusable
- After completing the Contraband Mission and calling in the extract helicopter, players could shoot the helicopter without receiving hitmarkers and the helicopter would remain on-screen indefinitely
- Fixed a bug where players were able to drop their weapon in the Gulag
- Fix for an exploit where players were able to duplicate Self Revive kits
- Warzone In Match Events, JailBreak, Fire Sale, Supply Choppers and Contraband Contract System
Special Operations
- Fix for a bug where a player was stuck in 3rd person gameplay
- Daily Challenges are now displayed alongside Multiplayer and Warzone challenges
- Fixed an issue where unlocking an Operator skin in Co-Op would not unlock the base skin for that Operator as well
- Fixed a bug where the game would not end correctly if the last player alive used Team Revive immediately before dying
- Fix for being able to duplicate the Juggernaut Suit Munition minigun
- Fix for rare instances of waves not ending properly
- Fixed an exploit on St. Petrograd where players could fully hide from soldiers behind a bar
Please bear in mind, some of these may just be codenames and not their final map names.
With Boneyard making an appearance, plenty are hopeful that Scrapyard will make an appearance as a 6v6 or 10v10 map; TheGamingRevolution is convinced it will arrive at some point.
Warzone Season 4 Weapons
The Fennec Submachine Gun (Vector) and CR-56 Amax Assault Rifle (Galil) are now live in Season 4.
Data miners have posted gameplay of unreleased weapons including the Vector, Galil, APC9, HK G28 and XM109.
A "new weapon" was inadvertently discovered shortly after the launch of Warzone, thanks to PrestigeIsKey, in Season 3 - below is a picture of an axe/hatchet.

It is just a visual glitch and in a video that he posted, it was in fact a custom SMG.
The AN-94 has been found in the game files and could make an appearance in the new season as it sets up for the COD 2020 reveal.
Before launch, it was also rumoured that the ACR and the M16 would return from Modern Warfare past - we've yet to see either of these weapons arrive so far.
Call of Duty: Warzone
Taylor Kurosaki (Infinity Ward's Narrative Lead) and Amos Hodge (Raven Software's Director) confirmed that plenty of new content is coming to Warzone including:
- Duos
- New items in-game that you can put in your loadout
- New items to find in BR and Plunder that aren't in your loadout
- New Field Upgrades
- New modes
- New loot
- Narrative story
According to @ModernWarzone, the game files are now showing 200 players for both Plunder and Warzone, along with a juggernaut mode.
Here's everything that has been confirmed and rumoured in the new season for Warzone.
Updated Loot
Infinity Ward has assured that ground loot will have a continuous overhaul to diversify the strategies you can take across Warzone; so you can expect new tools of destruction to play with.
Expect to see every weapon type with a silenced and non-silenced variant, allowing squads to kit themselves for silent operations
New weapons and blueprints will be added to Supply Boxes and ground loot to Verdansk and stay tuned for additional meta updates as the Warzone further evolves.
Game Modes
A new mode called "Warzone Rumble" has been added, which is a 50vs50 TDM match in Warzone with your own custom loadout.
More modes will also arrive later this season and in a list of leaks from u/Senescallo, we can confirm a number of different playlist and modes could come at some point:
- Battle Royale Duos - Teams of Two. Loot and Kill. Last team standing wins.
- Battle Royale High Action "Claustrophobia" - Loot and Kill. The Gas closes in faster, so get moving.
- Battle Royale One Shot - Battle Royale with 1-shot Headshots and no loadout drops.
- Realism Battle Royale
- Realism Plunder
- Hardcore Battle Royale
- Hardcore Plunder
- Plunder Solo
- Troopers
- Infinite Revive
- No Revive
@ModernWarzone has found additional playlists in the code for Warzone:
- Duos: One-Shot and Stimulus
- Solos, Duos, Trios and Quads: Bottom Line
- Infinite Gulag
- Most Wanted
- Run Like Hell
- Classic Battle Royale
- Mo' Gulag, Mo' Problems
- Non-Stop
- PewPew
- Realism
- Inflation Redeployment
They have also found an icon in the files for a mode called Juggernaut.
There's no mention of a ranked playlist or mode for Warzone at this time.
Since the Battle Royale and the multiplayer are tied together with universal progression (including the battle pass) its unlikely that much will come in the form of unique Warzone cosmetics.
Map Changes
If you've been checking out the strategy guide that Activision launched with Warzone, there are many areas listed as "classified".
It's easy to assume these areas will be unlocked as time goes on and particularly when Season 4 launches.

Players could be forgiven for not noticing certain changes to the new main menu in Modern Warfare and Warzone, it shows a dam that’s broken.
The main menu throughout Season 3 now showed the Dam overflowing and starting to release water. The current dam in Warzone is frozen and no water is really in the map at all right now.
It isn't hard to believe that the new Warzone map will evolve over time, especially as players discover new easter eggs that may tie into the story of Verdansk. Those playing the game will have noticed a few vaulted doors, bunkers and interactable computer terminals which many believe are key to finishing the easter egg.
In fact, Infinity Ward’s Narrative Director Taylor Kurosaki briefly mentioned how the studio is looking at Fortnite-like events that fit the Warzone and Modern Warfare universe.
New Map
Is Urzikstan the next Warzone map? Reddit user u/StreetfighterXD seems to think so, and they've written a very detailed description as to why it will be.

It's a logical assumption, after all, Blackout (the Black Ops 4 battle royale) produced two maps during its time.
@ModernWarzone has shared information from one of their Discord mods that pointed out a stagnant sand storm is surrounding Urzikstan (in-game).
Although a new map may not be on the way soon, they have reason to believe that the new circle will no longer be gas, but instead a sandstorm.

Photo via @ModernWarzone
According to @ModernWarzone, there are multiple references to zombies in Warzone - specifically Zombies In Spaceland
He's said that there are multiple references including:
- Spaceland docs in Verdansk
- Zombie round ending sounds
- Howling near Dm and Prison
- Screaming at Prison & Dam
- Teddy bears throughout Verdansk
- Zombie rat in Warzone
- 115 on RCXD
- The “gas”

A lot of theories are popping up that suggests tanks will arrive in Warzone, but nothing is concrete yet.
Season 4 Battle Pass Rewards
There will be 100 Tiers of content, some of which will be free, but the rest requires players to purchase the Pass for 1,000 CoD Points.

The Battle Pass traditionally features an array of weapons, blueprints, emblems, stickers, charms, calling cards, watches, operator skins, vehicle skins, finishing moves, XP tokens and COD Points.
Each pass has had a featured Operator for you to obtain as an instant reward with a special skin once you reach max rank; last season featured Alex.
You'll be able to purchase 20 Tier skips for 2,400 CoD points, too.
If you managed to grind your way through the battle pass for Season 3, you should have earnt enough points to buy the Season 4 pass for free.
Season 4 Operators
A new season means new Operators and as more campaign characters are added to the mix, there are plenty that could still arrive.
We already know that Captain Price will arrive in the next season, but who could join alongside him?
@ModernWarzone has informed us that Hadir from the Modern Warfare campaign is actually Khaled Al Asad and will play a part in the upcoming Warzone event. Perhaps he will be added as an Operator?
Here are some characters we would like to see return:
- Captain Price
- Imran Zakhaev
- Soap MacTavish
- Gaz/Sgt. Kyle Garrick
- General Shepherd
- Marcus Griggs
- Farah Karim
- Khaled Al-Asad
Season 4 Game Modes
There are many game modes that have been found in the game, but have yet to be added into the rotation:
- One In The Chamber - Gain ammo by eliminating enemies. Highest score wins.
- All or Nothing - Spawn with a custom pistol, throwing knife and no starting ammo. Extra perks are gained on kills, but you lose everything on death.
- Rupture - Take control of a powerful Juggernaut and push to the enemy's base to win.
- Team Juggernaut - Each team has a Juggernaut. Juggernaut kills are worth more points. First team to reach the score limit wins.
- Reinforce - Capture points will revive fallen teammates. Taking all points will win the round.
- Invasion - Take your team's flag into the enemy base.
- High-Value Target - Gain score by eliminating players on the opposing team. Extract high-value enemy combatants to steal score back.
- Defender - Capture the drone and it to upload data and earn points for your team.
- Search & Rescue - Teams take turns defending and destroying an objective. Recover dog tags to allow or deny respawns.
- Fire Mission - Eliminate enemies, capture HQ's and extract VIPs to earn score for your team.
- Assault - Attackers attack a bombsite while defenders defend.
The following playlists have yet to be implemented:
- Cyber Attack Pro - Cyber attack with respawns instead of revives
- Hit Man
- Rat Race
- Jugg of War
- Student Loan Payments
- Stick and Stones
- Team Building Exercise
- Working From Home - Small map mosh pit.
Check out our Season 3 guides here:
- How To Rank Up Your Battle Pass FAST
- M4A1 Setup And Best Attachments
- MP7 Setup And Best Attachments
- MP5 Setup And Best Attachments
- Multiplayer Weapon Tier List
- Warzone Weapon Tier List
- Skip Gas Animation In Warzone
- CR-56 AMAX Setup And Best Attachments
- Fennec Setup And Best Attachments