Apex Legends Season 5 is now LIVE!
Season 4 was a HUGE season for changing the face of the Apex universe and create an incredible lure with the introduction of Revenant.
Revenant's crash-landing into Apex caused a dramatic opportunity for real storytelling and it's something Respawn have decided to run with.
As we get set to make a return to King's Canyon, complete with new legend and weapon changes, we're getting all the information you need to prepare yourself.
So what do we know about Season 5 and what can we expect? Here's everything we know.
You can read about the following topics by clicking the link:
- Latest News
- Release Date
- Patch Notes
- Guides
- New Characters And Legends
- New Weapons
- Map Changes
- Price
- New Game Modes
Latest News
New Fix - 27th May
- Mastiff spawn rates have been lowered
- Gibraltar ability text updated to correctly reflect the new 12s duration on his shield
New Code Reveals New Information - 13th May
Data miner @Shrugtal has found new code in the game that reveals a "loot bunker", a new level above Gold (level 5) plus an item called an Overcharger and a Heatsink.
Season 5 Is Now Live! - 12th May
Season 5 is now LIVE across all platforms.
Battle Pass Overview - 12th May
Check out the new Battle Pass rewards below!
Loba Character Trailer - 12th May
A new trailer revealing Loba's abilities has just been released!
Season 5 Quests And Hunts Explain - 11th May
The Broken Ghost Season Quest is a series of nine Hunts unlocked each week.
These hunts will reward you with a new Weapon Charm, a piece of the Mysterious Artifact that Loba is trying to assemble, and the next chapter in the story.

Season 5 Gameplay Trailer - 8th May
The new gameplay trailer for Season 5 arrives on the 8th May at 6pm BST! You can watch it here:
Devs React To Launch Trailer - 7th May
The Apex Legends devs have reacted to the latest trailer and revealed some JUICY information that you'll want to read.

Launch Trailer Breakdown - 6th May
There was A LOT to take in regarding the new Launch Trailer for Season 5.
We've got the full breakdown including a new map, Loba's abilities, and what will happen to Skull Town!

Season 5 Launch Trailer - 5th May
The new launch trailer has arrived and we have new information about a new game mode!
'Quests' will have players hunting for treasure and answers each season. All Quest competitors who complete their mission will be rewarded richly.
In addition, players can also expect the season split once again with Ranked Leagues Series 4 kicking off in Kings Canyon before the return to World’s Edge in June.
Old Character Dialogue Being Introduced into Season 5? - 1st May
A data miner shared some inter-character dialogue that was data-mind three months ago.
In a tweet, @shrugtal said "These are voicelines that trigger only when another legend is on the same squad. Like Revenant being revived by Loba, or Mirage shooting down a cargo bot and teasing Pathfinder about it."
Considering the incredible escalation in the story and lore in the past season (and how it will continue with the introduction of Loba) is this the time it is introduced?

Season 5 Announcement And Loba Is The New Legend- 30th April
The new season has been officially announced and here's what's in store:
- New legend: Loba - Stylish, sophisticated, and resourceful, whatever Loba wants, she takes. Good luck stopping her.
- All-New Battle Pass - Over 100 exclusive items including Legendary skins, Apex Packs, new Battle Pass content making a Season 5 debut, and more!
- Quests - Hunt for treasure and answers in the new Season Quest. Those who complete the journey will be richly rewarded.
- Ranked Series 4 - Dominate your enemies and look good doing it in the new series of Ranked Mode!
New King's Canyon Location - 29th April
A new location could be coming to King's Canyon!
Redditor u/OrcusDei cracked the code to find a new location coming to King's Canyon!
As many players predicted, he's put the map snippets from the teasers together and found that they perfectly align over Wetlands and connect to Singh Labs. They even mocked up some images so we can see for ourselves!
The new location, Capacitor, takes the form of a huge dome for players to fight it out in, and definitely includes tunnels connecting it to the rest of the map. However, we still don't know what the "West" hint means, or who exactly "Jaime" is...

Loba Abilities - 10th April
Loba's abilities have been leaked!
More Titanfall Content To Come? - 7th April
Apex game director Chad Grenier and general manager Dusty Welch have claimed that more content from the Titanfall universe will arrive in Apex.
"We're always bringing in stuff from the Titanfall universe"
In the 324th print issue of Game Informer magazine, they said:
“We built an awesome world in Titanfall and want to make sure we're bringing that forward."
"I will say this — there could be a pleasant surprise for Titanfall fans in Season 5.”

When Is Season 5 For Apex Legends?
Apex Legends Season 5 is now live on all platforms and arrived on the 12th May 2020 after being delayed a week.
Patch Notes
Season 5 is now live across all platforms and the patch notes are now live:
- New legend Loba
- King's Canyon Map Changes
- Charge Towers
- Season Quest “The Broken Ghost”
- Season Tab
- Battle Pass 5
- Ranked Series 4
- Conditional Legend Chatter
- Mirage Update
- Bloodhound Update
- Crypto Update
- Lifeline Update
- Caustic Update
- Octane Update
- Gibraltar Update
- Pathfinder Update
- Season 5 Fully-kitted Gold Weapons
- Mastiff Update
- Peacekeeper Update
- Alternator Update
- RE-45 Update
- Havoc Update
- Longbow DMR Update
- Wingman Update
- Hop Ups Update
- Gold Armor Update
- Bug Fixes
- Quality Of Life Update
Looking for some help with Apex Legends in Season 5? Here are some of our guides:
New Characters And Legends
There's still a lot of questions surrounding the two forgotten legends of Season 4 - Forge And Loba.
During Season 4 these two legends were rumoured to join the fight - along with Revenant. However, we're almost 4 weeks into the new season and we've yet to see them.
This cunning new legend has a vendetta against the terrifying, seemingly immortal Revenant. This has given her a thirst for blood and the skills to avenge her family’s untimely death.
After her parents’ murders, Loba grew up to become a famous high society socialite by day, and the Outlands’ most impressive and dangerous thief by night. Now she is looking for answers, loot and most of all, Revenant’s demise.
Rosie was initially rumoured to be the new character's name, believed to be Watson's tutor. Bur, after Revenant's bloody introduction, people were introduced to Loba (the little girl in the Revenant trailer).
The default skin can be seen below, the interesting part is the gold wolf emblems on her shoulders (Loba means 'wolf' in Spanish and Portuguese).

Photo via ILootGames
Loba will have teleportation abilities and will be activated by a bracelet worn on her left hand.
ILootGames also mentions that her hitbox is similar to Bangalore's height and Wattson's width.
Early shots of Loba/Rosie
Here are her abilities:
- Eye For Quality: Loba can see high tier loot through walls and at distance.
- Burglar's Best Friend: Throw a disc and teleport to that location.
- Black Market Boutique: Place a device that can steal all nearby loot
This character sounds like it's been built for those who think of themselves as very unlucky when it comes to their loot.
We've all be in a situation whereby we land with multiple teams, run into a building in the hopes of getting a weapon only to find a bandage and getting killed straight away by someone with a fully decked out R-301 carbine and gold shields.
It will be interesting to see whether a loot-based legend will alleviate some of those problems.
Read More: Apex Legends Season 4 Rosie New Character Release Date
Known as the "Augmented Brawler", Forge was originally meant to be the new Legend for S4, however, he was assassinated by the enigmatic Revenant.

For many, his inclusion was all but certain as he is categorised in the game files under 'season4chars'.It could be great storytelling and he is likely to join us towards the back end of the season, or he may have been pushed back to Season 5; due to fan demand for Revenant.
Forge's abilities are as follows:
- Pull Shot: Short-range grapple that pulls enemies into you or can be used to launch yourself into the air.
- Ground Slam: Press crouch while airborne to slam into the ground below.
- K.O. Punch: Jump forward in a direction. Press crouch while airborne to slam into the ground below
- One-Two: Bull rush in a straight line. If you hit an enemy along the way, press again to do an upper-cut launching you into the air.
- On The Ropes: Enhances your melee to do more damage the lower your health is. Dealing melee damage gives you temporary overshield.
- Victory Rush: Killing a player with a melee attack restores your health and gives you a 30% speed boost for 10 seconds
Read More: Apex Legends Season 4: Is Forge really dead or is Respawn trolling us?
New Weapons
There were two other weapons intended to launch in Season 4 - the Volt and the Sidewinder.
Hints and leaks suggested we'd see this new energy-based SMG, however, it seems we'll see it in another season; as no new weapons are arriving this time around.
The Sidewinder grenade launcher was actually spotted in the Season 4 trailer. This is another weapon from the Titanfall 2 universe designed as an anti-titan weapon. It still has potential to arrive later down the line in Season 4, so its important to bear that in mind.
Read More: Apex Legends Season 5: Gun And Weapon Tier List With New Sentinel Weapon
Battle Pass Rewards
Here's a look at the rewards within the Season 5 Battle Pass.
Everyone that plays Season 5 of Apex Legends:
- Huntswoman Loba
- Five Apex Packs
- Season 5 Win Trackers For All Legends

The new pass will feature new legendary skins:
- Silver Specter (Wraith)
- Death Etching (Revenant)
- Gilded Claw (Bloodhound)
- Sky Marshal (Bangalore)
- Fool's Gold (Mirage)
The first three are unlocked at purchase.

Players can also get access to new legendary skin including
- Retrofitted Hemlock
- Precision Caliber Wingman
The Hemlock being available at purchase and the Wingman earnt as you rank up.

Legends can also earn unique music packs, loading screens, banners, skydive emotes and gun charms.
Map Changes
Skulltown and Thunderdome have fallen. A new POI, Salvage, has been added to the Broken Coast. Across the map, the Offshore Rig connects to the former Relay and Wetlands.
Wetlands has been replaced by the excavation of the Capacitor, which has a new underground pathway to Singh Labs.
Nesting Grounds has continued to regrow into the Reclaimed Forest, which features an expanded Singh Labs exterior and a small camp outside of The Cage. Check out our blog post here for more information on these changes!
Kings Canyon will be the only map available for two weeks after the season launch, so players can have time to fully explore the changes and meta shift.
After the two week honeymoon period, Map Rotation will start rotating World’s Edge Season 4 into the mix.

iLootGames has also detailed some upcoming changes, nerfs and buffs to the cast of Apex Legends
Read More: Apex Legends Season 5: What We Want To See - New Legends, Character Updates And Nerfs
How Much Will the Season 5 Battle Pass Cost?
So far, every Battle Pass has set players back an easy 950 Apex Coins, so it wouldn't be ridiculous to assume that the Season 5 Battle Pass will cost the usual £10, which translates to 1,000 coins from the store.
However, if you purchased the S4 Battle Pass and didn't spend any of the currency that you get for levelling it up, it's likely that you'll have enough to buy the next one without having to spend any real money, assuming you hit a tier high enough to get the necessary coins.
New Game Modes
Although unlikely, plenty of community members have pleaded for the inclusion of a solos mode.
Cloud9 star PVPX asked Respawn’s producer Josh Medina if Season 4 was going to “bless us with solos”, Medina revealed players who queue alone may have something coming their way this year.
Although we were blessed with duos, players will no doubt want Respawn to take it a step further and give players the opportunity to play solos.