How to heal in Dead Island 2

Dead Island 2 Ryan hitting zombie with hammer
Credit: Dambuster Studios

Dead Island 2 Ryan hitting zombie with hammer
Credit: Dambuster Studios
April 21, 2023: Looking to stay alive in Hell-A for longer? Find out how to heal using our guide containing everything you need to know

How to heal in Dead Island 2 is bound to become an integral part of your journey through Hell-A. Dambuster Studios' latest release contains a variety of undead opposition capable of dealing incredible amounts of damage that leave you on the brink of transforming into a zombie.

Thankfully, there are a few handy methods to restore health, enabling you to carry on dismembering any zombie that gets too close for comfort. But, how exactly do you restore health in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?

Before we take a look at how to heal in Dead Island 2, check out our guides showcasing the system requirements for the game and whether it features cross-platform capabilities.

How to heal in Dead Island 2

Healing in Dead Island 2 is an incredibly straightforward process to master. Even in the heat of battle, it's very easy to restore health and avoid the swinging arm of a Crusher. With that said, here's what you need to do.

Dead Island 2 crusher swinging at player with hammer
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Credit: Dambuster Studios

Find Protein Bars and Energy Drinks

For a quick boost of health, Hell-A contains a huge number of energy drinks and protein bars that partially fill your health bar. Although one energy drink or a single protein bar doesn't fill the bar fully, it's usually enough to retreat into cover to use a Med Kit.

Using Med Kits

Just like protein bars and energy drinks, you can find Med Kits all over the place. Additionally, you can also craft them using materials at a crafting bench. To use a Med Kit, simply press down on the D-pad if you're using a controller or whichever key you've bound it to on the keyboard.

What makes Med Kits more valuable than a protein bar or an energy drink is that they fully restore your health. Choose to use them in situations where another hit will send you to the other side for maximum effectiveness or use one where there's no sign of any food and drink lying around.

There you have it, that's how to heal in Dead Island 2. For more, take a look at our guides showcasing workbench locations and how to level up fast.

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