Battlefield 2042 Team Heckles TimTheTatman After Major Fail

The Battlefield 2042 beta is in full swing, as players and streamers alike are having a go at the Call Of Duty competitor. Pros from Shroud to JGOD - who said "it felt a lot like COD" - have voiced their opinions on the latest from EA DICE, but it's possible TimTheTatman had the most memorable experience so far.

After spawning, Betar jumps out of the helicopter and heads face-first into concrete without a parachute in sight.

It seems like TimTheTatman isn't having the best time with 2042. In the clip below, Betar spawns, and immediately decides that he has to jump out of the helicopter.

Read More: Battlefield 2042 Open Beta Start Time: Release Date, Sign Up, Preloading & Everything We Know So Far

Battlefield 2042 Team Heckles TimTheTatman After Major Fail

After informing his team "I gotta get out. I hopped, I hopped, I hopped", TimTheTatman attempts to deploy the parachute, but, instead, heads face-first into the concrete ground

The Battlefield 2042 Twitter account wasted no time ridiculing TimTheTatman following their event. "The games change, but the player remains the same," the team said.

Battlefield 2042 is currently in its first beta period. While the closed beta is live now, the trial will be available to all players starting October 8. Our own James Law went hands-on with the Battlefield 2042 beta prior to its public release and came away cautiously optimistic about what's in store.

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