“I Love Watching Ads” - While Playing Apex Legends, Tfue Tries to Convince His Chat That Ads Benefit Them

Turner Tfue Tenney made some questionable comments about advertisements while playing Apex Legends ranked. Content creators and streamers make money depending on how many people watch their ads to completion and click on them. However, a big rule for ads is not to try and coerce viewers into clicking or viewing them just to benefit the streamer.

It's a policy to keep advertisements going only to those who are interested. While playing Apex Legends, Tfue made a very transparent attempt to persuade his audience to watch or participate in his ads. The situation is almost to the point where you wonder if Tfue thinks he's being clever or knows how obvious it looks.

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Apex Legends ads

As a consumer, Tfue says he loves advertisements and that they only benefit him. He even says he enjoys seeing ads on other people's channels. In fact, if he did not want to see ads, he would subscribe using Prime for free. Anyone with Amazon Prime can have one free Twitch subscription a month.

It's almost cringey how easy it is to see through this ploy. It's enough to hope that Tfue is being serious and is actually an ad connoisseur. The whole clip is below.

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Let me quote the things he said, because you may have been distracted by how disinterested he was when he said it:

"Dude I love— I love watching ads, because then you know, I get like, it recommends me like stuff that I might like need. I also get ads about new games coming out, dude, so POG. I love ads. Sometimes, you know, when I don't feel like watching them, which is rarely, because I love ads so much. We ALL love ads. You know, sometimes when I don't feel like watching them—which like obviously is like never. I just, enabling them, Twitch Prime in my favorite streamers chat. Just use the sub for free, and then I'm good, and I don't have to watch them if I don't feel like it."

And like clockwork, the bot in Tfue's stream recommends connecting to Amazon Prime and get a free subscription every month. Never have I seen a more commercial Apex Legends moment that wasn't a commercial.

Imagine if YouTubers started saying, "I love ads in the middle of videos, and when I don't I press the 'join' button and give them money to not see the ads." This is exactly the same thing, and I hope it doesn't catch on.

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