PS5: How to Set Default Third-Person View? Game Preset Settings Explained

The PS5 is unique in that you can customize a whole heap of game presets.

This is great because if you're sick to death of having to change your in-game settings for every new title you buy or download, then PlayStation 5 will more or less do it for you automatically.

There are, of course, some limitations to these settings on a case by case basis, but by-en-large, the console will always endeavour to start new games with your preferred settings wherever possible.

This can range from your chosen difficulty, first-person and third-person view, plus your choice of subtitles and audio enhancements.

For the sake of this page, we're looking at how to change your game presets to set your PS5default third-person view.

A useful tool for those who typically enjoys playing third-person action/shooter games such as Fortnite, GTA Online, No Man's Sky and many more 

Read on, we'll explain what to do, plus show you some more handy guides which you can find at the bottom of this page.

How To Set PS5 Default Third-Person View?

1 - Go to the PS5 Home Screen and select the Settings icon (a small cog) in the top right side.

2 - In 'Settings', navigate down to the 'Save Data and Game/App Settings' option.

3 - Now select 'Game Presets'

4 - Within 'Game Presets' you'll see all the various options available to you. The third setting down from this menu will allow you to select your default first-person view on the PS5.

5 - Once you select 'Third-Person View' you'll then be allowed to choose from your default Verticle and Horizontal camera movement settings for games played in 'third-person'.

6 - When selecting your chosen 'verticle camera movement', your choices will include 'Game Default', 'Normal' and 'Inverted'. When picking your desired option a small preview screen to the left will also demonstrate how this will look in-game.

7 - Now select from your chosen 'horizontal camera movement'. Choices again include 'Game Default', 'Normal' and 'Inverted'. As before, when picking your desired option a small preview screen to the left will also demonstrate how this will look in-game.

And that's it - have fun!

Need More PS5 Help?

We've got you sorted. Below you'll find an extensive list of guides we've curated to help you with your new PS5.

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