GTA Online: Maximum Number of CEO, VIP and MC Presidents Reached Message Explained

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GTA Online sessions are being plagued with a "session full" message currently when you try to register as a CEO, VIP or MC President. In terms of the new Contract DLC Update, this message is stopping you from playing any of the new missions at the Agency. We're here to show you a fix for the message.

Read More: GTA Online Agency Locations & Prices: Which Location Is Best From The Contract Update

Maximum Number of CEO, VIP and MC Presidents Reached Message Explained

"The maximum number of CEOs, VIPs, and MC Presidents has been reached for this session". This message may appear when you try to register as a CEO, VIP, or MC President through SecuroServ. It will tell you that the maximum amount of players of that type has been reached in your session and that you cannot register. The message will also appear if you're trying to access any of The Contract missions on an Agency computer.

GTA Online The Contract DLC. A player is holding a stun gun while wearing a cap and their hood is pulled up.
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How To Fix the Message

At the moment there seems to be only one way to fix the message. You need to open your pause menu and skip along to the "online" section. Then, scroll down and select "find a new session". We've found that we had to enter and exit several sessions before this error fixed itself or we found a session with a spare CEO space in it. There can only be 10 CEOs or players with similar roles in a single session.

If we find out any more information about this message we will update this page.

It's worth the struggle to get registered as any of the big three in GTA Online as each "role" has its own perks. We have a guide that shows you how to register as a CEO and another on how to register as a VIP . Take a look at all three then decide which role suits you best. Also, if you need some more money, take a look at our guide that shows you how to make money this week.

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