Star Wars Jedi Survivor fans expect one of Fallen Order’s most frustrating enemies to make a cameo

Cal Kestis fighting an enemy in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
Credit: Respawn Entertainment.

Cal Kestis fighting an enemy in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
Credit: Respawn Entertainment.

If you’re a big Star Wars fan, odds are you’re looking forward to the next entry in Respawn Entertainment’s Star Wars Jedi series arriving later this week.

While the sequel to 2019’s Fallen Order will no doubt feature plenty of new mysteries and fresh mechanics, part of its appeal is grounded in the fact it’ll also contain a bunch of recognisable locations and characters from movies, shows and games also set in a galaxy far, far away.

During his previous adventure, Cal Kestis rubbed shoulders with and sliced his way through an array of different people and creatures from across the cosmos, many of whom will likely make some kind of return in Survivor. Though, it seems that the only enemy fans of the poncho-loving Jedi on Reddit are desperate to see again is a particularly infamous frog.

Are you keen to get slapped around by an Oggdo Bogdo in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor?

Their amphibian-based aspirations form the subject of a recent thread on the subreddit r/FallenOrder, which was kicked off by a post from user BlackKnight6660, who declared: “I’m 100% expecting (an) Oggdo Bogdo to show up in Survivor.”

They added: “I don’t know how (it’ll show up), but it (could) be something like (an) Oggdo Bogdo Alpha, or a cyborg version, or (as) the pet of a bounty hunter. (Regardless,) I’m excited to get slapped around again.”

Some of their fellow jedi seemed to share their desires to be merked by a frog, with a couple of users going as far as suggesting a few more scenarios in which they’d like to encounter the three-eyed terror, such as clangan524’s idea: “(There could be an) Oggdo Bogdo stuffed (and) mounted on the wall of a seedy Coruscant cantina. It has a force echo collectible on it and it recounts your experience on Bogano.”

Similarly, user ravathiel mused: “It'll probably show up and immediately get destroyed by something bigger.”, while agentlastwish joked: “He's actually an optional romantic interest.”

On the other hand, a few users suggested that a different enemy might take over the role of memorable early-game boss, with MaestroZackyZ nominating a Rancor dubbed: “Rancor Bancor.”

The thread on the subredd it r/fallenorder.
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Meanwhile, in a different thread, a number of users have been debating whether Oggdo Bogdo is actually Fallen Order’s “worst enemy”, with kdjfjrjke summing up the thread’s general consensus on the frog by saying: “He’s a boss that teaches players it’s okay to come back when you’re stronger to fight the boss. He’s only a challenge when you fight him underprepared, which you are at (the start of the game).”

Regardless of whether you’re hoping to learn that lesson from Oggdo again at some point in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor, make sure to check out the massive array of helpful guides we’ll be putting out to aid your quest to become a Jedi master.

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