Resident Evil 4 Remake streamer finishes quest to complete all 101 challenges while playing as Mario

Streamer Larxa earning all of the achievements in the Resident Evil 4 Remake as Mario.
Credit: Larxa on Twitter.

Streamer Larxa earning all of the achievements in the Resident Evil 4 Remake as Mario.
Credit: Larxa on Twitter.

With the remake of Resident Evil 4 having arrived late last month, it’s a great time to be a horror game buff in search of something to play with the lights off and scare yourself silly.

Some of these fearless fans have simply set the game to the highest difficulty possible, picked out their favourite weapon and dived into the terrifying action, but others are already seeking out interesting ways to spice up their playthroughs.

While one way to achieve this is by downloading mods that add the likes of Thomas the Tank Engine, some pandas and even a mouse version of Ashley to the game, another is to set your sights on earning all 101 of the game’s optional challenges, a task one streamer has just completed while dressed like a plumber.

How many of the Resident Evil 4 Remake’s long list of achievements have you earned so far?

Having previously killed Salazar by throwing golden eggs at him and battled through the game using voice controls, Twitch personality Larxa has racked up plenty of hours in the Resi Remake over the past few weeks, with their latest playthrough seeing them take on the task of earning the cluster of achievements that they hadn’t hoovered up during previous runs.

Starting off with 88 of the 101 tasks on the game’s challenge list already ticked off, it’s taken the streamer a few days and a trio of broadcasts to successfully earn those that remained and finish off the game one more time, while playing as Mario thanks to SupremeLeader777’s mod.

Larxa’s first stream of this quest saw them take on tasks like fighting Del Lago to earn the achievement for not missing any harpoon shots on the massive sea monster, as well as finding all of the village treasures and racing to the top of the clock tower without having the lift come to a stop.

Having earned a few more trophies during a second broadcast, the streamer’s final push saw them battle for the last four required to complete challenge 101, which acts as a reward for barreling through all 100 others.

Killing the Verdugo without taking advantage of any liquid nitrogen pipes turned out to be the final task on Larxa’s agenda, with its successful completion just over three hours into this most recent stream causing both the 100th and 101st challenges to tick themselves off.

The streamer then spent the rest of the broadcast scything through the remaining parts of the game to complete the playthrough, closing things out by watching Mario and Ashley dressed in a knight outfit ride off into the sunset on a jet ski.

Regardless of whether you’re now grabbing SupremeLeader777’s latest Mario-themed mod ahead of your own run at finishing off all of the Resident Evil 4 Remake’s challenges, make sure to check out our massive array of helpful guides and updates on DLC for it.

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