How to date The Spirit in Hooked On You

The Spirit in Hooked on you

The Spirit in Hooked on you

Dead By Daylight's tongue-in-cheek spin-off visual novel surprisingly dropped on Steam, and everyone is wondering how to date The Spirit in Hooked On You.

Obviously, there will be some spoilers ahead, but if you truly want to know how to quickly get into Spirit's good books, read on. She is one of four choices of Killer to date in the game, alongside the Trapper, the Huntress, and the Wraith. Who will you choose to spend your time in paradise with next?

We've got a rundown of all the available characters here, so you can choose your next match. There's another character everyone asks about, too - can you date The Trickster? Plus, we look at whether there will be a console release for Hooked On You.

The Spirit in Hooked On You
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How to date The Spirit in Hooked On You

The game features a lot of choices of who you want to spend time with, and each of these times you should choose The Spirit. There are also some choices that don't affect the path you take, so we haven't included those.

What we have included are the pivotal choices that can end in happiness, or you being slain by Spirit's Katana.

Day one

To begin, you rudely interrupt the Killer's volleyball game by waking up on the shore of the island. After some chit-chat, each of them posits a location to go to, and you choose which one you want.

  • Choose the Lounge - Spirit's option.
  • Choose the Lounge again when the island staff asks a second time.

While at the lounge, Spirit will ask what your favourite classical horror book is.

  • Choose Dracula.

Fun fact, choosing Frankenstein reveals you've never actually read it. What a fake fan. After a short while, you'll all be forced to play spin the bottle.

  • Land on Spirit three times.

She (or any of the other Killers) like this game, but you get some moments together, at least.

How to date The Spirit in Hooked On You
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Next up, you're all having dinner, but your weak countenance faints at the sight of what, or who, is being served. You find yourself being roused by Spirit on the beach. You talk, and she will start getting a bit deep, and these are the correct responses:

  • 'You've always been alone'
  • 'Nothing but darkness'

In the midst of your angsty and feelings-filled talk, you'll get interrupted, and dragged back to the campfire by the two island staff - Claudette and Dwight -where everyone is awaiting spooky storytime.

  • Choose Spirit to tell a story.
  • After she has finished, say nothing. Hug her.

Everyone will go and have some alone time for a while, and then you'll be invited to the hot tub for some more alone time with Spirit. You talk about her campfire story. Here's what to say when she asks if you believe her:

  • 'Who cares'

The two island staff boot you out of the hot tub and tell you where you're sleeping: on the beach. Fancy, huh? You can't sleep, and get to choose who to ask to hang out with for a bit.

  • Choose Spirit.

Someone else will propose you spend time with them the next day, but we're not here for that. You eventually fall asleep.

Spirit in Hooked on You
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Day two

The next morning, Spirit will ask you to spend time together that day.

  • Accept and go with her.

You'll arrive at the Black Lighthouse, and settle down on the beach. You can really mess up here, so lest you end up slain, choose these exact options as Spirit puts sunblock on you:

  • 'Thanks'
  • 'Sure, why not'
  • 'Say nothing.'

Whatever you do, do not ask about her hands, trust us. After this respite, you'll be propositioned again by another Killer.

  • Turn them down and choose Spirit.

She will lead you to a cherry tree on the island, and you two will ponder the meaning of it. She'll ask how it makes you feel. Tell her:

  • 'Frustrated'
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Later, at dinner, the island staff will ask how your date went.

  • Choose 'be coy'. The other option ends very badly for you.

After dinner, everyone heads back to the firepit for another night of storytelling. This is boring, though, and you get a choice of who to spend time with. Here's how to win over Spirit this time:

  • Choose Spirit at the Lounge.
  • Choose to stay sober.
  • Choose a Dark and Stormy drink.

Next up is a daunting task: you must eliminate a contestant. Obviously, do not pick to eliminate Spirit here.

Spirit in Hooked on You
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Day three

The dawn of the third and final day rolls around, and it is time to confess your feelings to your chosen partner.

  • Choose The Spirit.

She'll take you for a nice hang out on Trapper's yacht, where you can soak in the sun for a bit. Here, she asks if you're willing to go into the Black Lighthouse. Tell her you will:

  • 'Go up, maybe die'.

Chaos ensues in the Lighthouse, and you find yourself in a dark tunnel surrounded by Spirit and the Trapper. They think you're asleep, so:

  • Choose to 'stay quiet'.

They see right through that and know you've woken up. There's a bit of back and forth, and then the Trapper springs a quiz on you. Here are the right answers:

  • Rin Yamaoka
  • A Dragon
  • Restaurant
  • Black
  • Not being seen for who you are.

This doesn't impress Spirit, but it gets the Trapper off your case. This leads to the eagerly awaited steamy date - we'll let you experience that for yourself. You'll be rounded up by the island staff once again, where Spirit finally lets her fury out and kills Claudette. Will you prove to her that you're worthy? Yes.

  • Choose to kill Dwight.

And there you are, happily ever after with the Spirit! Or, should we say, Rin.

Congrats, you did it. You dated The Spirit in Hooked On You
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