Apex Legends: How To Get The Free 'Queen of Hearts' Wraith Skin

Apex Legends is slowly but surely coming up on the release of its eighth season.

The popular Battle Royale game will be 2 years old on the 4th of February 2021.

Apex has some amazing skins for players to earn and purchase within the store.

But, new skin has been announced as apart of Twitch Prime which will be available to players soon.

Here's how to get it for free! 


Queen of Hearts

The new skin is another addition in the line of free skins players with Twitch Prime will be able to unlock.

In the past, we have seen various skins for other legends be released, but this may be one of the best they have ever released. 

The skin is only useable on Wraith, and you may come across it quite a bit when it releases.



The skin will become available for Amazon Prime users beginning January 14th, 2021.

All you need to do to obtain this skin is make sure your Amazon account and Twitch accounts are linked together.

Then within the Twitch menus, you should see an option to check out Prime Gaming loot.

Starting on the 14th, you should be able to redeem this skin for FREE!


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