Pokemon GO Spotlight: Can Dratini Be Shiny?

Dratini is featured in the Pokemon GO spotlight hour as the Luminous Legends X event hits the halfway point.

One aspect of the Luminous Legends X event was an increase in Dragon-type Pokemon spawns. So, it makes sense that Dratini would be featured as the next spotlight Pokemon. Fairy-types have also received increased spawn rates, and Cottonee was in the spotlight last week.

As always, the spotlight hour will take place at 6 pm local time and it ends an hour later at 7 pm local time. In that hour, Dratini will spawn all over the wild and whenever players use an item such as a lure or an incense.

There are a few reasons to participate in a Pokemon GO spotlight hour, and one of them is the potential for a shiny. Not all spotlight Pokemon can be shiny, but Dratini does have a shiny form. As a good rule of thumb, all Kanto Pokemon have a shiny form in Pokemon GO after the Kanto Tour earlier this year.

Pokemon GO Dratini spotlight hour bonus

Another reason for participating in the Dratini spotlight is the potential to evolve one if players haven't already. It takes 25 Dratini candy to evolve Dratini into a Dragonair, and 100 Candy to evolve into a Dragonite after that. Any extra candy can be used to power up Dragonite to high CP levels.

Every week during the Pokemon GO spotlight hour, there is also a bonus. While the Dratini spotlight is running, the bonus will be twice the candy earned for transferring Pokemon. It makes it the perfect time to transfer any extra Pokemon, even if they aren't Dratini.

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