Hearthstone Gets Another New Hero

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft has been receiving a swathe of announcements for upcoming content this week.

Firstly, the first pre-launch hero was unveiled in the form of Magni Bronzebeard. Then even more recently an entirely new game type was revealed, titled Tavern Brawl

This certainly isn't the end of celebrations for the collectable battle card game, however, as Blizzard Entertainment have just announced the second additional hero to be released: Alleria Windrunner.

Unlike Magni Bronzebeard, an alternate skin for the Warrior class, Alleria Windrunner is a Hunter, utilising her bow to deadly effect and eviscerating all who stand in her way. The announcement came in the form of a YouTube video on the official Hearthstone YouTube channel, which can be found below.

Similar to all other post-launch playable heroes, Alleria Windrunner will be packaged with customised visual themes, a unique Hero Power animation, a card back and vibrant new character art. The entire package has been confirmed to cost $9.99 per hero.

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It's important to note that Magni Bronzebeard, Alleria Windrunner and any future heroes that may be unveiled are purely cosmetic additions to the game, possessing exactly the same abilities as their predecessors. 

There's no word on an official release date for these heroes, apart from the "mid-June" launch confirmed for Tavern Brawl.

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