Hitman 3: How To Reload Your Weapon

Remembering what all the buttons are in any game can be difficult enough.

In the action of the moment, when every second count, not knowing how to do an action can be a nightmare.

While Hitman 3 isn’t designed to be a guns-blazing shooter, there could be a prime opportunity to perform a kill and if your pistol isn’t ready you’ll miss it!

If you need to remember how to reload on your platform, PC, Stadia, Xbox or PlayStation, we’re here to help.

How Do You Reload In Hitman 3?

In Hitman 3 there aren’t different control schemes so these default buttons should work for you.

Though if you’ve managed to set up a different button mapping through other software or hardware, then you’ll have to work it out for yourself!

Read More: Hitman 3: How To Zoom Your Sniper

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Death from above (Image: IOI)


Press RB

Quickly press RB and Agent 47 will reload his equipped weapon, holding it down will open up the Instinct function.


Press R1

Quickly press R1 and Agent 47 will reload his equipped weapon, holding it down will open up the Instinct function.

Read More: Hitman 3: How To Change Shoulders


Press R1

Quickly press R1 and Agent 47 will reload his equipped weapon, holding it down will open up the Instinct function.


Press R

Pressing R will make Agent 47 reload his currently equipped weapon.

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