Modern Warfare 3 weapons feel like Nerf guns, and we agree

Modern Warfare 3 player holding blue and white sniper rifle with Captain Price in background
Credit: Activision

Modern Warfare 3 player holding blue and white sniper rifle with Captain Price in background
Credit: Activision

Modern Warfare 3 players believe the weapons available in multiplayer feel more like Nerf guns, and we're in agreeance.

After sinking several hours into the Modern Warfare 3 beta, its clear its weapons are holding back a great game that's packed with fast-paced action and a huge hit of nostalgia from the iconic maps making a return.

Despite the beta only featuring a small slice of the full multiplayer build that will arrive when the game launches, the best guns and weapons to counter the increase in time to kill were uncovered quickly resulting in an imbalanced meta and complaints about inconsistent in-game performance.

In a bid to highlight the problem, user nine16s took to Reddit with reasons why most of the arsenal feels like it's firing foam bullets.

The player thinks: "My god, 80% of the guns are just unusable, especially with no attachments. The netcode is god awful and there have been multiple deaths of mine where I'd empty a clip into somebody and yet somehow miss 90% of my shots."

In addition to the feeling of guns causing debate among players, some believe the new base health of 150 HP has negatively impacted the game’s time to kill. During the Modern Warfare 2 cycle, many disliked the time to kill so Sledgehammer Games decided to adjust it. There's just no pleasing anyone anymore is there?

One player thinks: "Horrible TTK (time to kill) [is the] worst thing about the beta."

On the other hands, there are many that think the spongy nature of the weaponry is a skill issue. One player says: "They do not feel like Nerf guns. Most guns in MW2 took 4 shots to kill and in MW3, they take an average of 5 shots to kill."

Thankfully, the beta has enabled Sledgehammer Games to obtain plenty of feedback enabling them to potentially adjust the performance of some weapons in order to create a more level playing field. We'll have to wait and see if the developer decides to apply buffs and nerfs when the full game launches but for now, spongy weaponry hasn't gone down well.

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