FIFA 21: FUT Champions Weekend League Tips: How To Get The Best Rewards, How To Redeem Entry, Best Times To Play & More

With the FUT Champions Weekend League opening for the first time in FIFA 21 Ultimate Team from this Friday, October 16, it’s time to get as prepared as you can for the biggest mode in FUT to commence.

This guide will cover everything you need to know, how to redeem your FUT Champions Weekend League entry, best times to play, as well as plenty more in-depth and niche tips to help you best succeed in the most competitive mode in FUT.

Read More: FIFA 21 Ultimate Team: FUT Champions Weekend League Rewards List

FUT Champions Start & End Times

The first FUT Champions Weekend League begins at 7 am on Friday, October 16th UK, and finishes on Monday, October 19th at 7 am UK. 

This gives players 72 hours to play through their 30 FUT Champions Weekend League matches to earn a whole host of rewards.

How To Redeem Weekend League Entry

In order to qualify Weekend League, you’ll first have to obtain 2,000 Division Rivals Points, earned through simply playing Division Rivals.

Once you’ve earned your 2,000 FUT Champions points, you can redeem your entry to the next Weekend League tournament by going to FUT Champions on console and registering.

This can also be done on the FUT Companion App Home screen, by scrolling down to Weekend League and redeeming your points on the go.

Make sure to redeem your Weekend League entry by 7 am Saturday, as that’s the cut-off point for being able to register.

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Best Times To Play FUT Champs

While FUT Champions may only last for 3 days, there are definitely better times to play than others if you’re looking to obtain the best rewards possible, however, it’s worth mentioning that you should always play at the best times that suit you. Don’t ever waste your weekend or cancel plans just to play FUT Champs at the optimal time!

The most competitive point in FUT Champions is usually early Friday. At this point, you’ll find a lot of professional FUT players playing games, as the quicker, they can complete their games, the higher the skill ranking they can obtain, which is important in Top 200 Rankings. To avoid playing these players early on in your FUT run, you should look to start your WL run slightly later on Friday.

In the past, between 6 pm UK and 10 pm UK on Friday has been a notorious time for slower than average gameplay, due to how many people are on the game and servers, being prime time for promotions and big new releases. While this may be different this year with new servers and Data Centers, we’ll have to wait and see!

In terms of the best time to play, you shouldn’t really notice many disparities in gameplay over the Saturday and Sunday period. While there will no doubt be a lot of people on the game, the competition will remain fairly consistent.

Split Your Games Up

Splitting games up into manageable chunks can definitely be a good way to see better results in the long run.

Making sure to not leave yourself having to play 30 games in one night is a sure-fire way of ensuring that you don’t lose focus or drop easy games from simply playing too much in one sitting.

In the past, we’ve found that splitting your games across 3 days, or at least 2 days is the best way to go! Playing 10 on Friday, 10 on Saturday and 10 on Sunday equates to around 2-3 hours per day, and with a couple of breaks scheduled throughout, is very manageable.

The FUT Champions Mentality

While it may sound a little over the top to be discussing mentality when it comes to FUT Champions, any seasoned FUT player will tell you that this is a big factor behind consistent, solid finishes.

In a competitive mode where every win counts, when games don’t go your way, it can certainly be frustrating, as I’m sure many of you will agree, with many controllers sacrificed in anger…

The biggest tip we can give is to simply not focus on the rewards and treat every game as a standalone tie that you’re looking to win. 

With a focus on rewards, you’ll pile on heaps of pressure on every result, meaning every goal conceded, every chance wasted, every loose ball lost, and every referee decision that doesn’t go your way will play on your mind. Best way to counter this, take every game as it comes.

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