Warzone Streamer Uses Baguette As A Controller

Season 2 of Warzone is well underway and as the Zombies continue to take control of Verdansk, a Warzone streamer has taken the age-old saying of playing with your food to another level.

Rather than dropping into a match using a conventional controller or a mouse and keyboard, this streamer has opted to invest some dough and create a controller from a baguette!

Playing Warzone with unconventional controllers has been done before using musical instruments and other pieces of food, but this latest effort certainly takes a bite out of the competition.

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Warzone Baguette Controller

Reddit user ‘_Rudeism’ shared a clip of the baguette controller in action from their most recent stream.

I built a baguette into a motion controller to play Warzone

The video shows a number of wires connected to the bread to capture any movements made as the streamer wields the baguette like a rifle.

After dropping into Downtown, they quickly grab a FFAR 1 assault rifle, jump onto the ground and eliminate an opponent from behind, much to their delight.

While it does like an unconventional method of playing Warzone, the fact that Rudeism managed to score a kill using a baguette is quite the achievement.

It does make you wonder whether the victim will ever find out that they were sent to the gulag by a baguette.

Read More: What is The Serac Gun in Warzone?

Food As Controllers?

Sony Banana Controller
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The concept of using food as a controller could well be normal in the coming years.

We reported that Sony has filed a patent that could enable players to turn food and other household items into fully-functioning game controllers.

Has the gaming world gone completely bananas? Let us know your thoughts on using food as a controller on Twitter!

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