WCS 2015 - Premier League Season 2 Ro32 Group H Results

There are just two spaces left for the next Round, and the fight to get there isn't going to be easy for any of the players in Group H:

Fabian 'GunGFuBanDa' MayerTeam: Planetkey DynamicsRegion: EuropeRace: ProtossIt's his first WCS appearance, but he's confident. He may not have the experience behind his name like Jaedong, or the reputation of Has and Elfi, but 17 year old GunGFuBanDa really knows his PvP and is going to be dangerous to go up against.

Ke 'Has' Yu FengTeam: Yoe Flash WolvesRegion: Taiwan, Hong Kong, and MacauRace: ProtossHowever you feel about Has' 'cheesy' Protoss style; there's no denying he is one of the most entertaining StarCraft 2 players to watch right now. It's well known he'll hit hard and early, so opponents have to be prepared for the amount of pressure he'll put on.

Samuli 'elfi' SihvonenTeam: Currently TeamlessRegion: EuropeRace: ProtossElfi is probably the wildest wildcard in the whole tournament. No one wanted to pick this guy in Challenger. Impossible to predict, he loves his two base timings, and proxies, and has excellent army control. Fans are dying to see an elfi vs. Has series in this Round.

Lee 'Jaedong' Jae DongTeam: Evil GeniusesRegion: AmericaRace: ZergOne of the biggest names in StarCraft. Jaedong hasn't been as strong as usual recently. Still the definite favourite to take first place in Group H, though. He's moved to San Francisco to focus on WCS and has his sights set on Blizzcon later this year.

The Twitch VoDs and results are below. Highlight with your mouse if you want to see spoilers. Check back soon for more Premier League goodness!

First Series
Has vs. GunGFuBanDa
Second Series
elfi vs. Jaedong
Lower Bracket
elfi vs. Has
Upper Bracket
Jaedong vs. GunGFuBanDa
Deciding Series
GunGFuBanDa vs elfi

You can beat the Zerg Rush for the next Gfinity WCS StarCraft Masters; tickets are available right now for the StarCraft Summer Masters I on August 7th-9th at the Gfinity Arena in London - www.gfinity.net/Championship

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