WCS 2015 - Premier League Season 2 Ro32 Group D Results

Group D has players from four different regions, consisting of all three StarCraft races, competing for just two Ro16 places in Canada:


Name: Zhou 'iAsonu' HangTeam: Invictus GamingRegion: ChinaRace: ZergiAsonu didn't make it beyond the Challenger League in Season 1 this year, but now - following his 1st place victory at GPL - he appears happy, revitalised, and ready for Season 2's Ro32.

Name: Libo 'Xenocider' ChangTeam: Evil GeniusesRegion: North AmericaRace: TerranXenocider is one of the underdogs of Group D. Despite having only won one major tournament to-date; Libo has a rabid, vocal, fanbase and is sporting one ridiculously badass hoodie for WCS.

Name: Kevin 'Harstem' de KoningTeam: Invasion eSportRegion: EuropeRace: ProtossHarstem, who is heavily favoured going into the Group following making Dreamhack's Ro8, is a straight player. As he puts it: 'If you do your research you will know what my build is, but I'm still confident.'

Name: Ryan 'NXZ' JonesTeam: Silicon SportsRegion: Oceania/Southeast AsiaRace: ZergNXZ is one of the fresh, new faces coming into Premier League this Season. In his first tournament outside of Australia, the 18 year old is looking to make his name known in his WCS debut.

The Twitch VoDs and results are below. Highlight with your mouse if you want to see spoilers. Check back soon for more Premier League goodness!

First Series
iAsonu vs. Xenocider
Second Series
Harstem vs. NXZ
Lower Bracket
Xenocider vs. NXZ
Upper Bracket
iAsonu vs. Harstem
Deciding Series
Xenocider vs. iAsonu

You can beat the Zerg Rush for the next Gfinity WCS StarCraft Masters; tickets are available right now for the StarCraft Summer Masters I on August 7th-9th at the Gfinity Arena in London - www.gfinity.net/Championship

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