Phasmophobia Roadmap And Next Update Plans

Phasmophobia recently came to Steam and almost instantly became a hit.

Content creators starting playing with friends, the screams and laughter were clearly entertaining to the audience.

The game has a way to go and has a lot of potential.

Here are a few things mentioned in the roadmap which could be coming to the game.

READ MORE: What is Phasmophobia? New Ghost Hunting Game Is Taking Steam By Storm

Latest News

Early Access Prolonged - 9th November

Developer, Dknighter, has announced that he intends for Phasmophobia to stay in early access for a while.

You can read more on the topic here.

Roadmap And Update Plans

Below are a few examples of the plans that the Kinetic Games have for the future of Phasmophobia.

Play As The Ghost

Playing as the ghost could become an aspect of the game in the future.

I imagine it to be a bit like Dead By Daylight.

Bear in mind the devs are undecided on this feature yet.

New Levels/Maps

  • Prison level
  • Apartment building level
  • Mansion level

New Equipment

  • Night vision goggles
  • SLS camera
  • Spotlight item for tripods

As well as the features mentioned above there's a load more coming to the game in the future.

Some examples include improved sound and physics, new objectives, giving dead players something to do and more.

Later down the timeline the devs also intend to work on VR support and include leg tracking.

You can check out the official roadmap on Trello by clicking here.

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