Modern Warfare 3's time to kill forcing players to switch to Hardcore

Modern Warfare 3 players wearing juggernaut armour and holding guns
Credit: Activision

Modern Warfare 3 players wearing juggernaut armour and holding guns
Credit: Activision

Modern Warfare 3 players are switching over to the Hardcore playlists due to standard multiplayer's slow time to kill (TTK).

Season 2 of the current Call of Duty cycle and while some continue loading into a map branded as an 'instant classic,' others are moving away from Core modes in search of matches where less ammunition is required to secure the elimination.

Hardcore matches have featured in Call of Duty for over a decade and offer a vastly different experience from the Core version of the game. With a faster time to kill, limited head-up display and friendly fire enabled, the playlists are increasing in popularity once again.

User abundanceofb took to Reddit after playing Hardcore Call of Duty for the first time in Season 2 due to growing tired of the sluggish TTK.

"It's honestly a lot better than base game multiplayer for me anyway," the player reveals. "I think this might be the way to go until the TTK comes down a little bit in the base game."

After giving Hardcore matches their seal of approval, there are plenty of others that believe the playlists offer a more entertaining multiplayer experience. Another fan adds: "Hardcore is way more fun, plus no more meta build BS. Every gun is viable, every gun is a guaranteed one-shot headshot, just a way better time."

Sledgehammer Games continues to adjust various elements of Modern Warfare 3 to ensure some kind of balance between an even playing field and fast time to kill is maintained. Season 2 saw the developer adjust the speed of health regeneration, enabling players to get back into the fight quickly.

So far, there aren't any signs of any time to kill adjustments making their way to Core multiplayer anytime soon. While this is good news for those who want some additional skill in their gunfights. Until then, a move to Hardcore modes may be the answer for a consistently quick TTK.

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