Prophecy Signs Nagafen, Drops Censor

We reported a few days ago that Team Prophecy had added AquA to their ranks in exchange for Mochila, a rising star from 2nd place Call of Duty Championship finishers, Team Revenge. 

Today the story continues, as Prophecy continue to make roster adjustments in advance of the Gfinity Call of Duty Spring Masters I. Nagafen has joined the starting lineup in place of previous frontrunner, Doug "Censor" Martin, as revealed by a Tweet from the team profile.

The new current Team Prophecy starting roster is as follows:

Aches - Apathy - AquA - Nagafen

You'll be able to watch the new Team Prophecy roster live at the Call of Duty Spring Masters I, May 8-10th. We're certainly excited to see how this squad performs under pressure against the top tier of worldwide competition.

The best Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare teams from around the world are set to compete at the Gfinity Spring Masters I, May 8-10th. You can grab tickets to spectate the entire thing live, or read up on additional information here.

Keep up to date with all the latest gaming and eSports news via our Twitter: @GfinityOnline.


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