Call of Duty Spring Masters I Teams Announced

Update: FaZe Clan have withdrawn from the Call of Duty Spring Masters I and have been replaced by FAB Games eSports Germany.


FAB Games eSports | GunElite - Kivi - Rushh – Torres



Original Article: Call of Duty is coming back to London. The world's top Advanced Warfare talent will be descending upon the Gfinity Arena at the Vue Fulham Broadway, May 8-10th (tickets are available now) to compete for a grand total of $25,000, 25,000 Pro Points and the Call of Duty Spring Masters I trophy. OpTic Gaming, OpTic Nation and Denial eSports have previously been officially announced, and today we're delighted to fill out the ranks and reveal the additional 13 invited lineups!

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United States

OpTic Gaming | Scumpii - Crimsix - Formal - Enable

OpTic Nation | Killa - MBoZe - Ricky - Mirx

Denial eSports | Clayster - JKap - Replays - Attach

Team EnVyUs | ProoFy - Loony - Saints - TeePee

Strictly Business | Phizzurp - John - Twizz - Sinful

Team Kaliber | Parasite - Nameless - Sharp - Goonjar

FaZe Clan | Slasher - ZooMa - Huke - TBC

Prophecy | Nagafen - Aches - Apathy - AquA 


TCM Gaming | Shane - Jurd - Gunshy - Moose

Epsilon eSports | Joshh - Swanny - MadCat - TBC

Vitality Storm | Tommey - MarkyB - Reedy - TBC

Aware Gaming |  Peatie - Rated - Watson - Joee

Team infused | QwiKer - MeLoN - JTee - Lewis

HyperGames | Maxxie - Riskin - TonyJS - VZkingzR

Gamers2 | TojoR - MethodZ - Lgnd - JK7

Australia & New Zealand

Plantronics Mindfreak | BuZZo - Fighta - Shockz - Denz

Note: Team rosters are currently subject to change. This post will update with any related team change.

Further information regarding tournament layout and scheduling will be available in the near future. You'll be able to catch the entirety of the Spring Masters I via the Gfinity channel.

For those that live a little more locally, you can purchase tickets and read up on more information regarding the event here. For easy access to all Gfinity ticket sales, hit the link.


Keep up to date with all the latest gaming and eSports news via our Twitter: @GfinityOnline.


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