Is Destiny’s Next Expansion Pack Called The Taken King?

News has broken today of a NeoGAF user named Kifimbo who has apparently seen a trademark and logo that is very similar in style to those regularly used in Bungie's first-person shooter, Destiny. According to IGN the trademark was "filed by Jim Charne, the attorney who did the same for both The Dark Below and House of Wolves". This could well mean that the planned major release due for Destiny in September, previously known as "the comet" is more than likely to be entitled The Taken King for launch.

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IGN are also noted that “There's now speculation this version of the game is the official title for Comet, and the boxed version of the game will act as a Game of the Year edition, including both The Dark Below and House of Wolves expansions as well”.

Bungie have not commented on the story as of yet. There was a livestream earlier today where representatives of the company fully revealed the new end game PvE content for the House of Wolves expansion, entitled the Prison of Elders. Bungie's Weekly Update may shed further light on The Taken King.

The best Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare teams from around the world are set to compete at the Gfinity Spring Masters I, May 8-10th. You can grab tickets to spectate the entire thing live, or read up on additional information here.

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