Battleborn Gets New Trailer and Details

Gearbox Software have released both a new trailer and a number of details for their upcoming title Battleborn, including the fact that there are set to be a total of 25 playable characters in the final build.

Battleborn will have both a single-player campaign and a multitude of mutliplayer modes for players to enjoy. The story can be played co-operatively or solo depending on player preferences, and the multiplayer component will include three disctinctly different competitive multiplayer modes. The story component can be played with up to five players co-operatively, with the ability for players ro replay levels in the hopes of gaining better loot.

The new trailer is available below.

Multiplayer matches follow the generic MOBA setup of 5v5 showdowns between two teams, with Incursion, Meltdown and Devastation being the currently confirmed playable modes.

Incursion places teams in a battle against waves of AI-controlled minions, with the goal of working together to defend their own base whilst simultaneously attempting to destroy the base of their opponents. It sounds to be an exceptionally similar setup to games such as League of Legends and DOTA 2. Devastation is an objective-focused team deathmatch between the two teams, and Meltdown tasks each team with protecting their minions as they march towards the centre of the map, hoping to keep as many as possible alive.

Experience points can be gained throughout both story and competitive play to level up both characters and command ranks. Characters are confirmed to max out at Level 10 outside of matches, unlocking skins as well as "augments" to further personalise their skill trees. Command rank is more of an account wide affair, unlocking loot, badges and additional options in player profiles.


Expect to see more of Battleborn at 2015's E3, later this month. The game is expected to release later this year.

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