Days Gone Horde Locations

The 2019 zombie-survival open-world game Days Gone is going to be one of the PS4 games ported over to the PS5 when it releases in a few weeks.

Days Gone is one of the premier PS4 exclusives, and it loved by fans all over the world.

An open-world zombie title is something we do not see every day, and fans cannot wait to jump back in.

There is a lot to explore and find within the Days Gone world, and one of these is Horde locations.

Let's take a closer look at all of them!



There are 40 Hordes located around the map, and all of these are practically boss fights.

When you are able to find these Hordes, there will be a lot of zombies, and we mean a lot.

Some players have reported over a thousand zombies have spawned in at one horde, so be careful entering these.

Now, that we have the basics covered, let's take a look at where all 40 are located! 



Since there are 40 Horde's around the map, this is going to take some time to complete all of them.

Thankfully, CheezhOfficial has posted a fantastic YouTube video noting all of the Horde locations. 

Check out their video below, along with time codes for Horde locations at specific locations!

  • Belknap Horde Locations; 0:49 - 2:28
  • Cascade Horde Locations; 2:28 - 04:05
  • Crater Lake Horde Locations; 04:05 - 04:51
  • Highway 97 Horde Locations; 04:51 - 07:20

Best of luck encountering all of them! 

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