Free Tournament Schedule March 2016

Throughout March, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to test your skills against the best upcoming and established players within Europe, as is scheduled to host over 84 tournaments across six games; Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, FIFA 16, CS:GO, Halo 5, Hearthstone and Rocket League.

But wait, with so many tournaments going on, how do you know which one to enter?

Well, that’s why we’re here!

Listed below, we have conveniently organised the weekly tournament schedule for March



Cup Type: 5v5Platform: PCPrizepool: £150Max.teams: 64





Cup Type: 1v1Platform: Xbox OnePrizepool: 1,000 Pro PointsMax.teams: 512






Cup Type: 4v4Platform: PlayStation 4Prizepool: N/AMax.teams: 128 






Cup Type: 1v1Platform: Xbox OnePrizepool: 2,000 Pro PointsMax.teams: 512





Cup Type: 4v4Platform: PlayStation 4Prizepool: N/AMax.teams: 128






Cup Type: 5v5Platform: PCPrizepool: £150Max.teams: 64






Cup Type: 1v1Platform: Xbox OnePrizepool: 5,000/10,000 Pro PointsMax.teams: 512






Cup Type: 1v1Platform: Mobile and PCPrizepool: £70Max.teams: 256





Cup Type: 4v4 SnDPlatform: PlayStation 4Prizepool: £150Max.teams: 128  





Cup Type: 3v3Platform: PlayStation 4 and PCPrizepool: £150Max.teams: 128






Cup Type: 4v4 SnDPlatform: Xbox OnePrizepool: N/AMax.teams: 128





Cup Type: 4v4Platform: Xbox OnePrizepool: £100Max.teams: 64





Cup Type: 5v5Platform: PCPrizepool: £300Max.teams: 128 



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