Owning and running a business is a great way of earning a lot of money in GTA Online. There are a few that you can choose from but a profitable and fun one is owning a Nightclub. You can run shady business from the basement and party on the top level. We're going to show you how to get a Nightclub, it takes a bit of effort but it's worth it.
Read More: GTA Online: How To Sell a House or Commercial Property
How To Get a Nightclub
There are several stages you need to follow to actually get a Nightclub. Obtaining the building is easy if you have enough money, but there are 3 missions you have to do to get your new business set up.
Buy a Nightclub
To buy a Nightclub you need at least $1,100,000 for the cheapest one. Once you have enough money, head to the Maze Foreclosures website. When the site is open, you can use the filter in the top right corner to select "nightclubs". This will show you all of the clubs currently available to buy in L.S.
Browse through all of the options before deciding on which one you want. Select it and you will then be able to customise the club. You can choose the décor, name, lighting scheme, podium dancers and if you want dry ice to appear during music sets. If you don't have enough money for everything on offer, you can renovate the club at a later time. When you are happy with your club, select purchase.
Set Up the Nightclub
Head over to your nightclub to meet Tony and look around your new investment. He will inform you that you need to set up a few things before the club can open. There are two missions that you need to do that can be accessed from the computer in your office or the one in the club basement:
- Get the sound equipment - This is a basic grand theft auto, head to the destination and steal the bus with the music equipment on it. All you need to do is get the bus back to the club without damaging the speakers on the side of it.
- Get the staff - This is a pretty easy mission if other online players don't give you hassle. All you have to do is drive around L.S and pick up the 3 new staff members to take back to the club.
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Get Solomun to the Club
After you complete the 2 set up missions, English Dave will inform you that Solomun is arriving at LSIA and you need to pick him up. As you drive up to the airport, it becomes apparent that Solomun's pilot has passed out and the plane is crashing. You need to follow the plane through the city and it will eventually land at the Sandy Shores Airfield. Pick up Solomun and take him back to your club.

The Nightclub will finally be complete and a party will ensue with Solomun providing the music. You can choose to stay and dance to the music or head out to do other things.
Setting up your own Nightclub in GTA Online takes a bit of effort but it's worth it. We have a guide that shows you how much you can earn from a Nightclub if you're still unsure. Also, if you want a brand new ride then take a look at our guide on all of the new cars that came with The Contract update.