Season Two for Call of Duty’s popular battle royale Warzone is well underway.
The new season ushered in a wealth of changes to the game, including adding new weapons to the arsenal and the appearance of new points of interest across Verdansk.
The Gulag has been a staple of Warzone since it released and despite its popularity among Warzone players, several are expressing their frustrations surrounding the fistfights that often decide which player drops back into the action.
Some players are getting so annoyed that they’re even calling fists to be removed from the Gulag altogether.
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Remove Fists From The Gulag

Reddit user ‘Jibeddy’ posted his annoyance at the loadout being present in the Gulag, stating that they would rather use “wonky snipers” as opposed to dueling with another player with their fists.
Fists only gulag
With so many weapons to select in Warzone, surely it would make more sense for guns to be the only weapons to be used to increase the skill gap?
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Should Fists Be Removed?
A fistfight between two players in the Gulag almost always results in the player landing the first punch walking away with the victory. Thanks to the lunge mechanic mentioned above, it means one player is unable to evade the following hits, resulting in a sometimes-unfair outcome.
While many players are calling for fists to be ousted from the Gulag, there is the argument that they should remain. But why?
Adding an element of uncertainty is great for casual players that may find themselves against a seasoned Warzone veteran.
If both of them are equipped with fists, it levels the playing field, giving the casuals a chance to defeat the hardcore players. By giving them a chance of victory in the Gulag, it maintains the interest of casuals that know that there’s always a chance of winning the Gulag duel and dropping back into the action.
Should fists be removed from the Gulag? Let us know your thoughts on Twitter!