Warzone's Season 4 is now live across all platforms and comes with plenty of new content.
Here's what's new in Call of Duty.
How To Unlock The Fennec, CR-56 Amax And Kali Sticks
The three new weapons are now available in Modern Warfare and Warzone!
Here's how to unlock the:

Season 4 Opening Cinematic - 11th June
The new opening cinematic details the latest story in Verdansk - specifically how Al-Asad and Zakhaev are working together to cause chaos.
Interestingly, Urzikstan is shown on the map potentially hinting at a Urzikstan map.
Here's the #ModernWarfare and #Warzone Season 4 intro cinematic!via @PrestigeIsKeyhttps://t.co/lJC2Xh5W7jpic.twitter.com/W2tgWRce3W
— Call of Duty Modern Warfare & Warzone Stats (@CODTracker)
June 11, 2020
Full Battle Pass Rewards - 11th June
Season Four Battlepass items #ModernWarfarepic.twitter.com/RNVwHmbbTP
— Ryan B. (@PrestigeIsKey)
June 11, 2020
New Sniper Rifle Coming In Season 4?
Joe Cecot has been interacting with fans ahead of the new Season by teasing a new sniper rifle - likely to be the AMR Sniper Rifle that was leaked a few weeks back.

Patch Notes
The patch notes for Season 4 are now live and can be found below:
- Barakett Promenade has been added to Ground War!
- Trench Mosh Pit (2v2)!
- Scrapyard 24/7!
- Blueprint Gunfight!
- Quads
- Trios
- Duos
- Solos
- Blood Money
- Warzone Rumble!
Warzone Rumble is a brand-new mode in Warzone. Two teams of 50 players parachute and battle it out in various areas around Verdansk. This mode is high action with custom load-outs, vehicles, and quick respawns.
Modified Special Operations:
Just Reward - VeteranJust Reward - Regular
General Fixes
- Fix for some players not receiving their Season 3 emblem
- Fixes to help reduce players encountering Error Code 13-71. If you still experience this after today’s update, please reach out to Activision Customer Support
- Fix for a bug where the Ghost Perk was not hiding players from the Heartbeat Sensor when viewing the Killcam
- Fixed an issue where some players were unable to activate a Nuke after getting the appropriate number of kills
- Fix for a bug where the 4th Operator Mission for Talon, “Complete 2 Warzone Plunder Matches” was not tracking as intended
- Fix for an issue where some players could find long wait times when attempting to load into Ground War matches
- Fix for a bug where neutral Hardpoints were appearing yellow instead of grey
- Various exploit fixes across multiple maps
- Fix for the Officer Challenge, “Get 20 kill while crouched” not tracking properly for some players
- Fixed a bug where the white health regen was triggering on downing other players even if Quick Fix wasn’t equipped
- Fix for an exploit where players could sometimes call in duplicate UAVs
- Added new weapon perks to the Specialist Bonus (the bonus earned after getting 8 kills while the specialist is active): Frangible-Disabling, Frangible-Wounding, Mo'Money, Recon, Heavy Hitter, FMJ, Presence of Mind
- Fixed a bug where players were unable to perform executions when on some elevated surfaces
- Fixes to help prevent an issue where players were able to move before the match countdown timer completed
- Fixes to help prevent against black graphical corruption issues some players were seeing
- Fix for the “For the Cause” grip tape not appearing properly on the base M4
- Improved stability fixes for PC
- Fixes to help prevent issues with voice chat
- Lowered ammo count for reload warning on belt-fed LMG
- Fixed bug with HDR and Sleight of Hand where reloading would not give ammo to the player
- Loot Update: New weapons and updated Blueprints! Be on the lookout for the Fennec, CR-56 Amax, Renetti, and more!
- Fixed a bug where the Recon Contract could spawn inside an Ammo Supply cache, making it unusable
- After completing the Contraband Mission and calling in the extract helicopter, players could shoot the helicopter without receiving hitmarkers and the helicopter would remain on-screen indefinitely
- Fixed a bug where players were able to drop their weapon in the Gulag
- Fix for an exploit where players were able to duplicate Self Revive kits
- Warzone In Match Events, JailBreak, Fire Sale, Supply Choppers and Contraband Contract System
Special Operations
- Fix for a bug where a player was stuck in 3rd person gameplay
- Daily Challenges are now displayed alongside Multiplayer and Warzone challenges
- Fixed an issue where unlocking an Operator skin in Co-Op would not unlock the base skin for that Operator as well
- Fixed a bug where the game would not end correctly if the last player alive used Team Revive immediately before dying
- Fix for being able to duplicate the Juggernaut Suit Munition minigun
- Fix for rare instances of waves not ending properly
- Fixed an exploit on St. Petrograd where players could fully hide from soldiers behind a bar