The Spring Breakout Cup will arrive this Friday in Fortnite to celebrate Easter and Spring.
As a special treat, this cup will replace Friday night bragging rights for one week only.
Season 6 has gotten off to a fantastic start and it looks to be getting even better as players compete for in-game rewards including the Webster Skin.
Here's what you need to know about the Spring Breakout Cup!
Dates And Times
The cup takes place on the 2nd April 2021.
The cup takes place between 6PM and 9PM local time.
1st-1,125th: “Webster” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and Back Bling.
NA East
1st-575th: “Webster” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and Back Bling.
NA West
1st-250th: “Webster” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and Back Bling.
1st-250th: “Webster” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and Back Bling.
1st-125th: “Webster” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and Back Bling.
1st-75th: “Webster” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and Back Bling.
Middle East
1st-100th: “Webster” In-Game Cosmetic Outfit and Back Bling.
To register, all you need to do is jump into Fortnite itself on the day of the competition.
Your account must be at least level 30 or above and have 2FA enabled.
This event is a duo competition where you'll have 3 hours to complete up to 10 matches to earn points.
The top-performing duos in each server region will be among the first to get the Webster Outfit and Mecha-Feathers back bling.
Games will be played in Arena mode.
A full breakdown of the rules for the Spring Breakout Cup can be found here.
Scoring System
- Each Elimination: 1 Point
- Victory Royale: 42 Points
- 2nd: 36 Points
- 3rd: 32 Points
- 4th: 30 Points
- 5th: 29 Points
- 6th: 28 Points
- 7th: 27 Points
- 8th: 26 Points
- 9th: 25 Points
- 10th: 24 Points
- 11th: 23 Points
- 12th: 22 Points
- 13th: 21 Points
- 14th: 20 Points
- 15th: 19 Points
- 16th: 18 Points
- 17th: 17 Points
- 18th: 16 Points
- 19th: 15 Points
- 20th: 14 Points
- 21st: 13 Points
- 22nd: 12 Points
- 23rd: 11 Points
- 24th: 10 Points
- 25th-29th: 9 Points
- 30th-34th: 6 Points
- 35th-39th: 3 Points
- 40th-44th: 2 Points
- 45th-50th: 1 Point