FIFA 20 has launched and many will be flocking towards FIFA 20 Ultimate Team to build their perfect team. One of the biggest concerns a player has around FUT 20 is their coin total, there are many different tips and tricks to earn coins and save them from unnecessary purchases. A recent fitness glitch has emerged that gives your starting players unlimited fitness, meaning there is no need to buy fitness cards.
Unlimited Fitness
Fitness represents the amount of stamina your player has in FIFA. If it's low, your player will be unable to run as far or as fast as they will at maximum fitness; usually after every 2-3 games, players will need to replenish their squad's fitness.
What's interesting about this glitch is that it requires you to do absolutely nothing. Your players will visually lose fitness on the squad hub, but upon entering the game have full fitness.

No matter how low it gets, they will start every game with full chemistry. The only circumstance where this changes is those that are on the bench, without full fitness, they will suffer a detriment to their fitness.

It is unsure when EA will patch this issue.
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Written ByChris Trout@TheTrout91