Jurassic World Evolution 2: How To Incubate Dinosaurs From a Hatchery

You will not always take delivery of wild and captured dinosaurs in Jurassic World Evolution 2. Sometimes, you will need to make them yourself but that can be a little bit complicated if you're new to the game. This is why we're going to show you how to incubate dinosaurs from a hatchery.

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How To Incubate Dinosaurs From a Hatchery

Incubating and releasing a dinosaur successfully from a hatchery can be a tricky business. However, if you follow the simple steps we have laid out below then you should get a batch of healthy dinosaurs for your park.

1. The First Steps of Incubation

  • Have a hatchery attached to the enclosure you want the new dinosaurs to be released into - you can have a hatchery on other enclosures and choose to "release by airlift" option to be to move them.
  • Have a good amount of genome data for that dinosaur species - the higher percentage of genome data that you have for that dinosaur, the higher the chances that a strong set of eggs will be created.
  • Choose the dinosaur species that you want. The screen should look like this when you're picking your dinosaur:
Jurassic World Evolution 2 Hatchery Dinosaur choices
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  • This screen will show you the cost of incubating the dinosaur. Also, you will be able to see the estimated success rate and the estimated amount of eggs that you will get. This will help you decide whether or not the dinosaur is worth the financial investment.
  • You can also alter the genes of dinosaurs on this screen but you must be careful. If you manipulate the genes of any dinosaurs it can affect the incubation success rate.

2. Incubating Your Dinosaurs

There are 2 steps to incubating your dinosaurs but incubation can go wrong at any moment, so it's a good idea to closely monitor these stages as they're happening.

Synthesising happens first - this will take a brief amount of time and is essentially the creation of the dinosaur eggs. When this stage has finished, you will need to return to the hatchery to do the next process.

You can now select or discard your eggs before incubation. You will get one viable dinosaur egg or a clutch of them at once. You can choose to incubate all, a few, or none of the eggs that have been created at this point. Some eggs will have manifested their own unique traits which can be positive or negative traits. It will be up to you which eggs you take to the final stage of incubation.

Once you are happy with the selection of eggs that you want to turn into fully grown dinosaurs, you will need to assign scientists to finish the task. Each clutch of eggs and species of dinosaur will have its own requirements. You can see what these requirements are underneath the image of the dinosaur and when you are selecting the scientists for the job. After you fill or overfill the requirements, you can begin the final stage of incubation.

3. Release the New Dinosaurs

If there are no problems during the final incubation stage, you should have one or more dinosaurs to release into the enclosure. When a dinosaur is ready to be released you will get a notification appear saying which dinosaur in which hatchery is ready. All you need to do is go to the hatchery and click on it. You should see this:

Jurassic World Evolution 2 Nasutoceratops ready for release
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Click on the dinosaurs that are ready. You can choose to release them into the enclosure or you can release them by airlift to put them in a different space.

Incubating and releasing dinosaurs into your park is one of the many things that you need to master in Jurassic World Evolution 2. You are running a business as well as making a home for various dinosaurs and we have some guides that can help you. We have a guide on how to increase amenity coverage and another on how to sell dinosaurs.

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