At first glance, Synduality: Echo of Ada might seem like a one-faction game, but it’s far from it.
As you progress, you'll discover that your loyalty to the Drifter Support Association isn’t permanent.
Switching sides is a big part of the fun if you’re thinking about going rogue or just checking out new faction options.
Here’s a breakdown of how you can make the change and what it means for your gameplay.
How To Change Factions
The first way to switch factions is to hunt down other players and claim their Magus, a key AI companion in the game.

You can get right into PvP combat during your expeditions with this one.
While you’re out exploring Synduality, other players might end up as your targets.
To start, you’ll need to down an opposing player in combat and loot the crate they drop, which contains their Magus.
After you steal the Magus from three players, the Drifter Support Association will tag you as an Outlaw.
This will expel you from the faction but opens new opportunities with independent factions.
However, hunting players or ditching contracts can impact your reputation with different factions.
For example, becoming an Outlaw or stepping away from the DSA could give you new options but might rub other factions the wrong way.
If PvP isn't your thing, you can always switch factions by leaving the Drifter Support Association.
You can do this from the game’s menu system in the garage between missions.
Head over to Records
and hit Organization
. You'll then have the choice to pay 100,000 Credits if you want to bail on the faction.
It’s a big price to pay, but this is a no-brainer for those who like a more tactical or narrative-focused experience.

Once you pay the fee, you’re out of the Drifter Support Association and can start taking contracts from independent factions.
One important thing to note is that after leaving the DSA, you can switch back whenever you want.
You can rejoin the Drifter Support Association without paying a fee, but if you've been labeled an Outlaw for destroying other players’ Cradles, you might have to pay off your bounty first.
When you switch factions, remember each has its own rewards and opportunities.