Pokemon Sword And Shield's next DLC is called The Crown Tundra and will release later this year.
While a lot of players may still be immersed in the sunny Isle of Armor, dataminers are revealing new information about the second half of the Expansion Pass.
New items have been added to the game and ultimately discovered relating to the new Legendary Pokemon and changing Hidden Abilities.
New The Crown Tundra Items
@mattyoukhana_ has discovered a host of new items have been added to the game that alludes to what's to come in The Crown Tundra DLC.
The game has added 17 new items, some of which are listed below:
- 1590: Calyrex fusion related (fuse)
- 1591: Calyrex fusion related (separate)
- 1592: Galarian Slowking evo item
- 1604: Armorite Ore equivalent
- 1606: Hidden Ability Capsule

It confirms a few things, the first of which is that the new Legendary Pokemon Clayrex may be involved in some sort of evolution.
The second is that the item necessary to evolve Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowking is located in this DLC.
Lastly, players will be able to change their Pokemon's Hidden ability to make them stronger (as seen in this video).