Pokemon GO's new Halloween event is coming to the game!
We'll see the event begin on the 23rd of October.
When the event goes live we might see higher odds for capturing the Shiny Houndour.
Keep reading if you want to add this shiny to your collection of pokemon!
How To Catch Shiny Houndour
Right now we can't know for definite how to find a shiny Houndour in the Halloween event.
We also can't say 100% what the chances are of running into one.
Let's use the process of elimination to figure it out!
At the moment you can't hatch a Houndour from an Egg, nor will you encounter one in a Raid Battle.
It looks like the only way to get one will be finding it in the wild, although they are pretty rare!

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According to Silph Road research, you'll have a 1/450 chance to bump into a Shiny Pokemon in the wild.
You can raise your chances though by going to the Silph Road Global Nest Atlas and looking for your closest Houndour nest.
The more encounters with a normal Houndour means a higher chance of finding one.
With the Halloween event comes new special field research!
Meaning you could have better odds at finding a Shiny Houndour by completing the research.