One of the most important resources you will need to take your base to the next level is Stone. Wood is nice and all but it's highly flammable and prone to collapse. If you want to make a truly magnificent base you need to ensure you have a steady supply of stone for the building, walls, and facilities as well. That's where knowing how to build the Palworld Stone Pit comes into its own.
Normally, mining for Stone takes up a lot of time in Palworld, stamina and Pickaxe durability. However, the Stone Pit provides us with a convenient method to quickly automate stone production and stack up hundreds of Stone rapidly. So let's see how we can go about building the Stone Pit and using it.
Once you're done building the Stone Pit, also set up the Logging Site and then the Crusher to take full advantage of both and earn huge amounts of resources.
How to build Palworld Stone Pit
Before you can build the Stone Pit you first need to unlock it from the Technology Tree by spending Technology Points after Level 5.

Now that you have unlocked the Stone Pit you need to gather the required materials to build it.
- Stone x50
- Wood x20
- Paladium x10
These resources are all fairly easy to find so hopefully you won't have any trouble gathering them. Now that you have all your resources, open up the builder menu, head over to the Production tab, and build the Stone Pit in an open area.

How does the Palworld Stone Pit work?
As its description mentions, the Stone Pit allows you to keep farming Stones from it. Instead of mining it manually, you can assign Pals who have the mining trait to mine for you.
Pals with the Mining skill will have the Pickaxe symbol in their Job Suitability tab on the details screen. You can assign them to the Stone Pit and they will keep mining Stone for you.

The amount of Stone can stack up quite quickly, meaning you may start overflowing with the resource. To avoid this, build some chests and add some Pals with the Transportation job suitability to your base.
That's all you need to know about building a functional Stone Pit. Be sure to check out the full Paldeck and how to cook in order to keep your Pals primed for battle.