Searching for intel on the Modern Warfare 3 Horde Hunt event? We've got you covered.
The first Call of Duty event of Season 2 is now live and this zombie-themed event features a wealth of rewards to obtain. The latest seasonal update saw the arrival of the BP50 assault rifle and The Walking Dead's Rick Grimes as a playable Operator.
Before we take a closer look at what the MW3 Horde Hunt event has in store, check out the best ranked play loadouts and when the next double XP event takes place.
When does the Modern Warfare 3 Horde Hunt event end?
The Horde Hunt event comes to an end on March 2, 2024 based on the in-game countdown that's already ticking down.
Modern Warfare 3 Horde Hunt event rewards
Unlike previous events in Modern Warfare 3, the Horde Hunt event rewards are earned through a different method. You'll need to complete a unified task that involves playing multiplayer, Warzone, and zombies.
By playing the three modes, collect zombie bones and exchange them for rewards. Here's the full list of known rewards so far:
- 75 bones - Epic Aether Tool
- 155 bones - TBA
- 310 bones - TBA
- 625 bones - Epic Aether Tool
- 1250 bones - TBA
- 2500 bones - Legendary Aether Tool
- 5000 bones - TBA
- 10000 bones - Ray Gun Case
At the time of writing (February 9, 2024), some of the rewards are bugged and only display a white square. Once the issue is fixed, we'll be sure to update the guide with the latest information.

In addition to the rewards listed above, there are even more goodies to get your hands on thanks to the Featured Zombies tab which updates weekly. Here are all the confirmed rewards:
- Tiny Screams weapon charm - 700 armoured zombie bones
- Dogs of Hell calling card - TBA
- Cursed Ammo - TBA
- Killshot Swagger Operator skin - Complete all featured zombies challenges
As new challenges emerge, we'll continue updating the guide with the latest intel.
There you have it, that's all there is to know about the Modern Warfare 3 Horde Hunt event. For more, check out the best MCW loadout and how to unlock the Michonne Operator.