Once you've found your feet and earned some money in GTA Online, you can choose to become a CEO. There are many benefits to taking on the role and name of a CEO but you should watch your back as this will make you a bigger target. We're here to show you how to become a CEO and we explain what they can do.
Read More: GTA Online: How To Make Money This Week
How To Become a CEO
There are two major steps that you need to take to become a CEO and we recommend that you ensure you have at least over $2,000,000 in your account before starting.
1. Buy an Office
If you're looking to become a CEO, you'll need an office – and they aren't cheap. There are several officers and office-like properties that you can purchase across Los Santos. To find an office to buy, head to the Dynasty8 Executive Realty webpage either through a computer or your phone (in-game).
You should be able to see all of the offices that you can buy. With the Contract update, you can buy agencies. These count as offices too, so if you purchase one of them you can register as a CEO.
2. Register as a CEO
Once you have bought your office and set it up (with the furnishing choices), you can register as a CEO. To do this follow these simple steps:
- Open your interactions menu
- Scroll down and select "SecuroServ"
- Select "register as CEO"
It's as simple as that!
What Can a CEO Do?
As a CEO, you can do many things including employing skilled associates (other players) to help you with your "legitimate business" tasks. You essentially run your own company that could be anything from running shipments of illicit substances and stolen cars to owning your own nightclubs in L.S. Once you are established, you can even corrupt the local police force and bribe them to leave you alone if things become too hot. Also, if a CEO owns certain vehicles they can get them to spawn for free for their associates to use.

After becoming a CEO, you will have more money-making opportunities available to you in GTA Online. If you're wondering what to spend that money on, take a look at our guide on all of the new cars that came with The Contract update. Also, if you're having issues registering, take a look at our guide on how to fix the maximum number reached message.
Updated December 15th, 2021 by Marie Pritchard. Contributions from Lloyd Coombes.