Dynasty Warriors: Origins takes you beyond battle, letting you play a part in restoring peace to a world on the edge of collapse.
Every region you explore has its own Peace gauge, and the more you fill it up, the better the rewards you’ll earn.
In this guide, we’ll cover the best ways to boost Peace in each area so you can make your way through the game with some sweet rewards.
How To Increase Peace
The best way to boost peace in Dynasty Warriors: Origins is by progressing through the main story.

As you wrap up the story missions, you'll naturally bring peace to the regions you take over. E
ach major win in the story missions impacts the Peace gauge in that area.
As you progress, this method becomes almost a given, but it also helps the most with filling the Peace bar.
As you win battles and move through the story, the territories return.
The main story might be straightforward, but the battles in each region are key to everything.
The goal isn’t just to win; it’s about ensuring the land returns to normal.
You’ll notice that the Peace gauge fills up incrementally as you get through the missions.
Keep pushing through the main story, and you'll start unlocking Battle Missions in different provinces.
These missions help you rack up Peace faster. Battle Missions appear on the map with an enemy NPC surrounded by a golden ring.
These are more in-depth objectives that push your Peace forward with solid perks.
They usually give you more Peace rewards than regular skirmishes, so it’s a good idea to go for them when possible.
You’ll encounter some challenges in Battle Missions, especially with the suggested character level.
The missions stay challenging but satisfying as you keep going. Skirmishes are spontaneous, small battles that can happen anywhere on the map.
They might not give as much Peace as Battle Missions, but these battles are a quick and simple way to raise the Peace level in a region.
Skirmishes generally involve clashes with bandits, rebels, or groups of enemies.
These encounters are less intense and can be concluded in minutes, making them ideal for quickly farming Peace.
The Peace boost from skirmishes isn’t huge, but they pop up often, so if you stick with it, you’ll slowly raise Peace levels in different areas.
Not only do skirmishes raise Peace, but they also make you better with your weapons, so it’s a win-win.
You’ll also meet officers in Dynasty Warriors: Origins who offer special challenges.
These requests are spread out on the map. They might not give a huge Peace boost like the others, but they still count.
Monitor the progress of your peace efforts. Every province has a Peace gauge divided into three stages.
Every mission and battle fills the gauge, going from yellow to blue once it's all about Peace.
When the Peace gauge in a region is up, just hit the Waymark to get your rewards.
You might get rewards such as horses, Old Coins, Pyroxenes, and even rare Battle Arts Tomes.
When you fill the Peace gauge, the area gets cleared, so no more Battle Missions or Skirmishes will be available.
It’s no small feat to max out the Peace levels everywhere, but if you pull it off, you’ll unlock the Guardian of Peace trophy and other exclusive prizes.