NPCs in GTA V are unpredictable and sometimes behave ridiculously, which adds humor and chaos to Los Santos's streets. From their absurd driving habits to their over-the-top reactions to minor incidents, these AI-controlled characters can be hilariously dumb.
This list examines the 10 dumbest things NPCs do in GTA V and highlights the hilarious and frustrating moments, making the game’s open world more alive with chaos and humor.
Dumb Things NPCs Do in GTA V
Here are the dumb things NPCs do in GTA V that make the game more chaotic and memorable:
1. Driving like Maniacs

NPCs in GTA V have this frustrating habit of driving like maniacs. These controlled drivers are notorious for their reckless behavior behind the wheel. They will often cut you off without any warnings and turn directly to your lane even when there's no sign of hazard. Slamming the brakes without a reason is one of their tricks, making you scrabble as you desperately try to avoid rear-ending them. It will result in a chain reaction of accidents, with other NPCs crashing you or swerving wildly to avoid the collision.
They also disregard traffic laws. They suddenly make turns without signaling, leaving you guessing their next move. One minute, they’re driving straight; the next, they turn left or right, forcing you to react quickly to prevent a crash. Sometimes, they slow down or stop in the middle of the road, blocking the traffic and causing pile-ups. This chaotic driving style creates virtual road rage, making even the simplest task of driving around Los Santos challenging.
2. Calling the Police for No Reason

Sometimes, NPCs in GTA V overreact to the smallest issues, even if you've done nothing. For example, you simply walk past an NPC, but being too close to them makes them panic and call the police, reporting you as a threat. Maybe just existing in their personal space triggers their fear response because even a slight nudge can upset them.
This is noticeable when playing a character who isn’t actively engaging in criminal activity. For example, you might be playing as Michael or Franklin, just enjoying a peaceful moment, when suddenly an NPC escalates a harmless interaction into a police chase, labeling you as a criminal without a valid reason.
3. Trash-Talking the Wrong People

Trash-talking is another annoying thing that GTA V NPCs seem to have perfected. They dare to insult anyone they encounter, regardless of how dangerous the situation might be. What's funny is that they'll throw you an insult even if you're carrying heavy artillery like a walking weapon of destruction. Aren't they scared of being shot?
Sometimes, even if you're just walking down the street, an NPC might look at you and say, "You’re pathetic!" or "Get lost!" They are clueless that they'll be lying on the ground any minute or flying across the street after receiving a punch due to their odd behavior.
4. Crossing the Street at the Worst Time

While pedestrians in real life are typically cautious when navigating busy streets, the NPCs in Los Santos recklessly disregard traffic laws and their own safety in story mode.
Sometimes, you’ll find NPCs casually walking through traffic without a care. Their timing is always impeccable, and they tend to cross when there’s no break in the traffic, forcing drivers to slam the brakes or swerve to avoid hitting them. It's like they are programmed with a death wish and are oblivious to the chaos they cause.
5. Easily Panicked Even at the Slightest Provocation

One of the most comical and frustrating traits of NPCs in GTA V that players encounter in Los Santos is that they get panicked, even if it is just a slight provocation.
You might be casually walking down the street, minding your own business, and accidentally bump into an NPC; their reaction can be over the top. They'll scream in panic as if they're being killed, and some will even take off running as if a dangerous criminal is pursuing them.
It’s not just pedestrians; NPC drivers are also overreacting. They’ll often panic at the sight of you driving aggressively or swerving near them, leading them to wildly swerve into oncoming lanes or make irrational moves that create a domino effect of accidents on the road.
6. Ignoring Obvious Crimes

Another ridiculous aspect of NPCs' behavior in GTA V is that they panic over minor interactions while being completely unaware of major crimes happening around them.
For example, you'll rob a shop, hold up the cashier at gunpoint, and yell at the terrified employees to give you the money, and NPCs standing outside won't even bother and casually continue doing their business. Even if you exit the store with bags of cash and are followed by a swarm of police, these oblivious pedestrians might walk right past the chaos, seemingly unaware of the criminal activity just a few feet away.
There is a strange inconsistency in NPC behavior. Some react with extreme panic to nothing, while others completely ignore violent, life-threatening situations, which adds dark humor to GTA V.
7. Blocking Doorways

Blocking doorways is also an infuriating behavior of NPCs in GTA V. You cannot access an establishment to complete your mission because they are at the doorways and do not move even if you ask them politely.
They’re often planted in the center of doorways, staring off into the distance, fiddling with their phone, or chatting with another NPC without a care that they're obstructing your way.
Sometimes, the problem is compounded by the fact that multiple NPCs can congregate in a doorway, turning a minor inconvenience into a full-blown traffic jam.
8. Randomly picking fights

Another hilarious behavior of NPCs in GTA V is randomly picking fights. For example, if you accidentally bump into an NPC while walking down the street or unintentionally block their pathway, they'll be over the top and insult you. Sometimes, they'll say, "You looking for a fight?" or "I'm not scared of you!" It's funny, especially when you're heavily armed or wearing combat gear, ignoring the power imbalance.
The comedy heightens when NPCs pick fights with each other. You might see two pedestrians yelling at each other dramatically, sometimes drawing the attention of police or adding chaos when nearby NPCs react.
While these random fights can be annoying when you’re trying to focus on missions or tasks, they add a layer of unpredictability to the game, keeping the streets of Los Santos feeling alive.
9. Glitching Into Walls

Despite the game’s impressive AI and open-world design, there are moments when NPCs seem to lose all sense of awareness. Some walk headlong into walls, poles, or objects and get stuck, making awkward animations. The glitch looks like NPCs have short-circuited, making them forget how to navigate the world.
The glitches do not just involve walking into the walls. NPCs also get stuck on fences, benches, parked cars, or other NPCs, causing strange chain reactions of awkward movement. For instance, you can see two NPCs bumping each other, neither able to navigate away, creating a surreal and strange digital confusion.
10. Stopping mid-conversation

Imagine you're eavesdropping on two pedestrians' conversations, curious about how humorous the dialogue is, only to find out one freezes mid-sentence or suddenly walks away without warning. The other NPC might keep standing there, looking around aimlessly, waiting to finish the thought.
NPCs might abandon their dialogue mid-sentence to respond to an unrelated scenario like a car horn, a fight breaking out nearby, or even you simply walking past them. Or the NPCs glitch completely, with one character endlessly repeating the start of their line, creating unintentional comedy.
While stopping mid-conversation might technically be a flaw in the game’s AI or scripting, it contributes to the unpredictable humor that GTA V is known for.
That concludes our list of the 10 dumbest things NPCs do in GTA V, adding annoyance and comedic scenarios. Whether it be their reckless driving, random glitches, or hilariously bad decision-making, these moments of absurdity make Los Santos alive and unpredictable.