The Medium Basement Door Code Puzzle Guide And Solution

The Medium is full of tricky puzzles, but one of the more challenging has your trying to solve a locked door code in the basement!

If you need a hand we are here to lend a hand and point you in the right direction.

Though, if you don’t care about trying to work it out and just want the answer click here to see The Medium door code now!

Read More: The Medium Pump Station Puzzle Guide And Solution

The Medium Door Code Hints

If you can’t work out the door code don’t fret, it is a little tricky.

You’ll need to find a room in the basement that has a locker and a table.

The first clue is from this note found in a small box for a pocket watch in the locker.

The watch is missing but you learn that it was given as a 10th-anniversary gift.

Then you can find a receipt on a nearby table.

The watch was bought in 1976 on April 14.

These are the only two clues, so you’ll have to combine them to find the door code puzzle solution!

Read More: The Medium Vase Puzzle Guide And Solution

SPOILER - The Medium Door Code Solution

If you just want the door code we’ll give it to you too.

It’s: 1966.

If you take 10 away from the year 1976 on the receipt you get 1966!

Now you have the Door Code and can progress in The Medium!

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