Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 8 Predictions: Where Does Fortnite Go From Here?

Fortnite took a bit of a silly detour with Chapter 2, Season 7, bringing in aliens and a ton of whacky new mechanics after two fairly serious Seasons.

The story continues to move on, and in typical Fortnite fashion, it is hard to figure out what will come next.

Here are a few predictions for Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 8.

WARNING: The following will contain spoilers for Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point. The following is also PURE conjecture. Just play along.

The Return of The Seven

FOUNDATION: He's out there...somewhere
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FOUNDATION: He's out there...somewhere

At the beginning of Chapter 2, Season 7 players saw The Spire either destroyed or abducted.

Either way, The Foundation was released from his self-created cocoon and flung into the waters surrounding Apollo Island.

It seems more than likely that Fortnite fans will see his return and possibly more of The Seven in the upcoming Season.

He made a deal with Agent Jones, after all.

Consequences For Agent Jones

Fortnite Agent Jones
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JONES: He's a bit more battle hardened now

Speaking of Agent Jones, he has not been seen at all this Season.

Could IO have captured him, or is he in hiding with such a heavy IO presence on the Island because of the aliens?

There is another idea that could tie Season 7 perfectly into Season 8.

Are The Aliens in League With The Seven?

Readers of Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point found out that IO is certainly a villain in the Fortnite universe, teaming up with Lex Luthor and The Batman Who Laughs to open rifts to other worlds for some reason or another.

The person in charge of it all?

Doctor Slone.

Could it be possible that the alien invasion is a preliminary force sent by The Seven to help take IO down and free the Island from the Loop?

Could Agent Jones be heading the charge, safely tucked away behind an alien army?

It does not seem like too far of a stretch when it comes to Fortnite.

A Clash of Powers

Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 8 could be setting fans up for a major clash of powers.

One on the side will be the IO, Luthor, and The Batman Who Laughs, along with any villains they bring to the table.

On the other side could be Agent Jones, The Seven, Superman, and whatever new heroes they bring into the mix, Naruto includes.

There is currently a countdown timer to the end of Season 7 that will arrive in-game on September 3, 2021, similar to the timer that ran before the Rift Tour.

Once that timer hits zero, all hell is going to break loose, and the Mothership will most likely end up crashed on Apollo Island, possibly in multiple parts.

A Third Party

Fortnite Crew teaser
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SHADOWS: Could Midas make a big return?

With the announcement that the next three Fortnite Crew packs will be themed around Midas' original troops, could it be possible that Midas will return in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 8?

If so, what role will he play?

Midas' return in Season 8 could signal a major disruption in the plans of larger powers on Apollo Island.

What Exactly is the Zero Point

Another question that Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 8, will hopefully answer is what exactly is the Zero Point players have seen in-game.

The Zero Point that bloomed and became unstable is not exactly the Zero Point, as was seen in Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point.

The real Zero Point remains under the surface of the Island and firmly in control of IO.

Season 8 could potentially answer these questions.


There have been rumors of pyramids and mummies found in the files for Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 8.

Could this possibly tie into the Aliens somehow?

Could all the abductions of POIs have revealed ancient structures hidden deep beneath the island?

What else is under there?

We know the IO has a millennia worth of historical artifacts and weaponry beneath the surface of Apollo Island, but what for?

It is possible the Imagined Order is much older than Fortnite fans realize.

We may see their past come back to haunt them, possibly literally, considering Fortnitemares 2021 will fall during Season 8.

READ MORE: Top 5 Things That Need To Return In Fortnite Season 8

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