The Mirage Voyage POI Is Grounded for Good In Apex Legends

Longtime Apex Legends players may remember the introduction of the Mirage Voyage POI in Season 3.

Making an appearance several times since its introduction, it is a POI that many Apex Legends have a soft spot for.

Unfortunately, it seems the POI is not coming back, as confirmed by Respawn Devs

Bon Voyage, Mirage Voyage

Apex Legends Party Crasher Arenas map
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DOWNED: The Mirage Voyage will never sail the skies again

Apex Legends fans were hoping for the return of the Mirage Voyage with the recent Ranked Split over to Olympus in Season 9: Legacy.

Unfortunately, Daniel Klein, the Lead Designer for Apex Legends, had this to say:

“Oh, the Voyage is CRASHED crashed. I think it's down for good.”

Of course, what he is referring to is the Party Crasher Arena map, which prominently features the grounded Mirage Voyage.

Honestly, it would not make much sense for the ship to take to the skies again once players have seen it in its current state in Apex Legends Arenas.

Unless, of course, someone fixed it up and changed the face of the Party Crasher map.

It probably will not happen, but who knows, fan backlash may convince Respawn to rethink retiring the favorite POI.

READ MORE: Apex Legends Arenas Won't Influence Future Legend Designs, Respawn Says

Apex Legends Season 9 Ranked Split

Apex Legends Ranked Leagues screenshot
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Apex Legacy Season 9: Legacy is now past the halfway point, with the Ranked Split having taken place on June 15, 2021.

This means that World's Edge has been replaced with Olympus for Ranked play, and all Ranked players had their tiers demoted by around 1.5 levels.

Players who had achieved tiers high enough for a reward were granted those rewards before demotion and now must work their way back up toward Diamond, Master, and Predator tiers.

READ MORE: When is Ranked Arena Coming To Apex Legends?

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