If you are having difficulty catching up on the latest information on the most powerful champions in Raid: Shadow Legends, we have the sage advice fo you. You gotta check out our Raid: Shadow Legends tier list for the most updated information in deciding who to choose in Raid: Shadow Legends. It has a very extensive marketing campaign, making it super well-known among mobile players and creators on the web.
The game has over 300 playable champions which can be quite confusing sometimes leading to mistakes. With the help of our Raid: Shadow Legends tier list, your burdens will be lifted. Our guide offers ranked playable champions and all the info based on their game star rating. We’ve also got some key advice for the early stages of the game, as well as provide information on how to reroll so you can try and snag yourself the S-tier champions.
Only Mobile Gaming is the #1 destination for mobile tier lists, and we’ve got even more to prove it. Have a look at our World Flipper tier list, as well as our Marvel Future Revolution tier list.

Raid: Shadow Legends tier list - Best champions
RAID: Shadow Legends Mythical champions tier list
RAID: Shadow Legends Legendary champions tier list-
RAID: Shadow Legends Epic champions tier list
RAID: Shadow Legends Rare champions tier list
RAID: Shadow Legends Uncommon & Common champions tier list
As you can see, Raid: Shadow Legends has an awful lot of champions to play as - over 300, in fact. Our tier list is based on each champion’s star rating, which encompasses their overall quality and fighting ability. The characters with the best stats and strongest performance appear in the S tier, and the more common, less impressive champions find themselves in the D tier.
The developer of Raid: Shadow Legends, Plarium, has added new characters to the game consistently since its 2018 launch. As such, there's a near-endless amount of champions to choose from, so use our tier list as a guide of who's strong, and who isn't.
Which starting champion should I choose?
When you first log in to Raid: Shadow Legends, you’ll be given the choice between four champions to select. They are Athel, Kael, Elhain, and Galek. If you’re wondering which of these four starting champions to select, we’ve got you covered.
Each of the four starting champions has very different focuses and abilities. Athel is a warrior focused on quick attacks, Elhain focuses on critical hits, Kael does the most damage over time, and Galek is best for sheer brute force.
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However, their progression trees are also very different. If you’re looking for a champion that will prove incredibly powerful at the start, but will eventually be scaled out by higher-level enemies, then Galek is the best choice. The Orc’s blade-based attacks prove very damaging against low-level enemies at the early stages of the game, but the limited nature of his melee moves means you’ll soon find his skills too weak to continue with.
If you want a starter who can consistently level up and scale in power as your adversaries get tougher, then go for either Elhain or Kael. These Elf champions have the best progression, and their skills will level up more suitably alongside the game’s progressive difficulty increase. As such, they’re the best options if you want a champion that’ll go the distance. If you’re just looking to smash and grab the early stages before choosing a better champion later, then Galek is a good option.

How do I unlock Raid: Shadow Legends champions?
Generally speaking, the unlock process in Raid: Shadow Legends varies based on which champion you’re trying to get your hands on.
The most common champions are unlocked through the summon function, which is effectively a loot box. You head to the portal within the city map, and spend your silver to unlock a randomly chosen champion. There are several different summons available, which depend on the shard you select. The most common is the mystery shard, which costs the least silver but doesn’t contain epic or legendary champions. For them, you’ll want the sacred shards, where you’ll have the best chance of unlocking the rarest heroes.
You can also unlock champions through the fusion system, where you trade in a set number of your existing champions to obtain rarer characters. The game tells you which champions are available to unlock in this way - and as long as you can meet the requirements, it’s quite a painless process.
Another unlock method is collecting enough of a certain champion’s fragments to permanently unlock the character. You can get a champion’s fragments by taking part in online activities like battle arenas and special events. Of course, though, it’ll take a long time to save enough of one character’s fragments to have enough to unlock it.
The last unlock method is by completing missions in Raid: Shadow Legends’ story mode. As a reward for getting past certain stages, you’ll be awarded with champion drops that can contain common, uncommon, or rare champions. Sadly, there’s no way to get epic or legendary champions in this manner. You’ll have to use the other three methods to do this.
What are the rarest Raid: Shadow Legends champions?
With so many champions throughout the game, it’s inevitable that some will be easier to get a hold of than others. Unsurprisingly, the four starter champions are the absolute easiest to access as you’re given a choice between them at the start. However, there are plenty of champions out there that are much more challenging to unlock.
One such champion is Lydia the Deathsiren, who you can only unlock by defeating each and every faction’s crypt in the game to three-star completion. With so many characters and factions out there, this is clearly no mean feat and requires a lot of time. It’s not a character you can purchase or unlock using shards, meaning the only way to get Lydia is grinding out the game. As such, she’s a very hard champion to get your hands on.
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However, the ultimate hardest champion to get is Ramantu Drakesblood. This Lizardmen member is only unlocked once you’ve completed each and every mission in the entire game - yes, all of them. That means all story missions, all crypt missions, and all the side quests you’ll encounter while playing the game. As such, he’s almost impossible to obtain, and you’ll need to dedicate hundreds of hours to Raid: Shadow Legends in order to do so.
Equally, champions that are brand-new to Raid: Shadow Legends will be hard to get your hands on, too. Recently, a new characters arrived: Aleksandr the Sharpshooter. This champion wields a bow and arrow to take down enemies, and is an unlockable reward from the current batch of daily log-in prizes. Show up for enough days on the trot, and you should be able to add this powerful champion to your roster.
How do I reroll in Raid: Shadow Legends?
If you’ve got a few champions in Raid but want to shake things up and try to improve your roster, then you might want to reroll. This is where you effectively restart your account, giving you another chance to randomly luck out and obtain some of the champions that are less common. However, this means losing any progress you’ve made so far - so be sure you actually want to reroll, as there are no second chances once you’ve wiped your progress. Sadly, there is no way to recover a rerolled account, so be sure you want to do it first.
There is no in-game option to reroll within the app, meaning you'll have to tinker with your device storage and do it manually.
- The simple way to reroll on either iOS or Android is to delete and reinstall Raid: Shadow Legends. If you choose the option not to save your progress when you do this, your current save will be deleted alongside the app
- Then redownload the app from your respective app store and you’ll be able to try over again to get the strongest champions
While this will spell the end of your current account, you can save it via the cloud by signing up for a Plarium ID and saving your progress there. It means you’ll have to make a new Plarium ID once you reinstall the app, though, as otherwise it’ll just take you back to the roster you tried to reroll.
What special events are there in Raid: Shadow Legends?
The good news is that Plarium loves treating Raid: Shadow Legends players with plenty of special promotional events. These usually revolve around boosts to the amount of in-game currency you can earn after battles, or improving the odds of pulling the rarest Champions through the summon mechanic.
Way back in 2021, there was a Halloween-themed special event, which focused on players' raiding setups. As per instructions on the Raid: Shadow Legends Twitter, you had to submit a picture of your spooky-themed gaming setup. Ten winners were selected, receiving a healthy dose of Tomes and Gems to enjoy. The competition ran until October 31, so be sure to look out for a new special event soon!
After that major update last November 2023, some new changes were implemented. While the focus was on improving game security, there were some new item additions, too. Namely, there are XP Barrels, which instantly send your champion to the highest XP tier of their current rank. Feasts are also new, which are even better - sending your champion straight to rank 6.