After a two-year-long hiatus, The Witcher finally returned to Netflix and its premiere hinted at a unique character in Tetra Gilcrest.
Tetra Gilcrest is well established in the franchise's lore and has even popped up in the streaming platform's previous adaptations - here's everything you need to know about the evil being.
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Tetra Gilcrest Character Profile
Tetra Gilcrest is a strong sorceress who is capable of inflicting powerful magical powers. She descends from one of the earliest mages in history, so wizardry plays a big part in her family's lineage. She believes in the fortitude of magic, causing the mage and her followers to go to major lengths to protect the powerful ability.
Gilcrest is notoriously known for her hatred of the Witcher clan. Her despise stems from her childhood, where her mother was framed for cursing a Priest and was eventually murdered by a Witcher.
The mage also believes that elves are inferior to humans, resulting in the eventual destruction of an elven school - an action she blamed on the Witchers.
Appearance In Nightmare Of The Wolf
The sorcerer popped up in Netflix's Nightmare of the Wolf, a prequel film to the original Witcher series.
In his earlier years, the anime adaptation follows Geralt's mentor, Vesemir. The Witcher confronted Tetra Gilcrest as she tried to exact vengeance in her mother's name. After spawning a host of deadly monsters and the beastly Kitsu, their fight was thrilling, to say the least.

References In The Witcher Season 2
Tetra Gilcrest was referenced indirectly in the premiere episode. During a discussion between Geralt and Vesemir, the grandmaster reminded him of dangerous events that took place in the past:
Remember what happened the last time witchers shoved their noses into the dramas of courts and kingdoms.

The mentor alluded to the battle between himself and Gilcrest as the sorcerer attempted to destroy the witcher's main capital. The Grandmaster hopes that the White Wolf doesn't make the same mistakes he did.
With The Witcher expanding in the future, Tetra Gilcrest could make even more appearances in Netflix's upcoming spin-offs and TV shows. And with Gilcrest being a fan-favorite character within the series' lore, the return of the mage would be a welcome one.