Some games have managed to recover from poor launches, like Cyberpunk 2077 and No Man’s Sky, but it looks like WB Games and Rocksteady are calling the time of death for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.
The final content update for the game has been released, so what can players expect from what was expected to be one of the biggest DC games of 2020?
Final Content Update for Suicide Squad: KTJL
Per the official announcement, Episode 8 of Season 4 will be the final update for the Suicide Squad game. Here’s the official post:
While the game's main hook was having players be online with a squad of other players, the devs ensured an offline mode was also available. Though live service has already ended with Suicide Squad, players can still try to find others who want to team up online.
The main difference now is that fans shouldn’t expect more updates to the game, such as new characters or story chapters.
How Does the Narrative End?
With the game having the main conflict between the Squad and Brainiac, Episode 8 eventually closes the arc for the villain and the brainwashed Justice League. Spoilers for anyone who was planning on playing the final episode:
As it turns out, the Justice League that the squad takes out in the game are all clones, and they all come back in the end to take out Brainiac and bring him to justice.
The League also finds a way to escape Amanda Waller’s ARGUS program. It’s hinted that they sent secret files to Lois Lane's desk to expose how Waller had coerced people to work for her during the entire Brainiac crisis.
What’s Rocksteady Going to Do Now?

Suicide Squad was meant to be the start of a new franchise from Rocksteady, but seeing as how it allegedly lost $200 million for WB, the studio is said to be returning to their ol’ reliable franchise in the form of Batman.
It’s not clear what their next Batman game could be about. Still, seeing as how Gotham Knights also fumbled the bag with a Bat-Family game, they may want to go another direction that isn’t an open-world Batman game where players can switch between fan-favorite Bat-characters.
With Batman Beyond being a famous property, Rocksteady may want to create a sequel set decades into the future centered on Terry McGinnis flying around Neo-Gotham. This would offer a fresh new setting with a somewhat familiar character, and Terry would have his own unique set of villains against which to fight.
Terry is a bit younger, so fans can expect more angsty stories with Terry and his classmates. Even PlayStation’s Spider-Man games managed to skip Peter’s high school days and start with him being a working adult.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is now available for Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC.