Street Fighter 6: Where To Find Mai Shiranui in World Tour

Mai Shiranui in Street Fighter 6
Credit: Capcom

Mai Shiranui in Street Fighter 6
Credit: Capcom

Looking to find Mai Shiranui in World Tour for Street Fighter 6? Don't worry, we got you covered.

SF6 is going strong in Year 2, with the release of Mai Shiranui being highly anticipated. She's the third DLC of season 2, following fellow SNK guest Terry Bogard.

While fighting games are focused mostly on online content, Street Fighter 6 has a ton of single-player offerings. Players will be keen on finding Mai Shiranui in World Tour mode for two big reasons. No, no the ones you're thinking.

Where is Mai Shiranui in Street Fighter 6 World Tour?

Capcom has confirmed the prerequisites to find Mai in SF6 World Tour: you need to become Terry Bogard's student by going to the One Fateful Day menu at your Hangout.

Once you've done this, Mai will be waiting for you in the new Aokigahara area, with plenty of quests for you to complete.

Why would you want to meet Mai on World Tour? As mentioned, there are two things you can do. First, you'll be able to teach your personal avatar all of Mai's special moves.

Mai Shiranui in Street Fighter 6
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Credit: Capcom
Mai's waiting for you

Secondly, if you max out your rank with Mai, you'll be able to unlock her special outfit 2. Otherwise, you'll have to spend Fighter Coins, the game's premium currency, to obtain it.

Now, if you're only interested in getting Mai, don't worry about the prerequisites. You don't need to buy any previous DLC for them to show up in World Tour.

The SNK rep is looking to be an excellent but possibly execution-heavy character, with some flashy special moves to spice up your avatar combos.

One more thing to note is the character interactions as you level up your ranks are incredibly charming and add a ton of personality to them, and no doubt Mai's will be a treat for long-time fans and newcomers alike.

For more on Street Fighter 6, check out recent news about Capcom's battle pass overhaul for the game, promising better content moving forward.